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Conversion Rates

Every marketer and business owner fears the “leaky bucket.” If you want to turn more of your website visitors into customers, check out our collection of in-depth articles on conversion rate optimization, with tons of tips and strategies for increasing your conversion rate through A/B testing, landing page optimization, segmentation and personalization strategies, copywriting and ad creative improvements, UX and design, pop-ups and chatbots, and much more!

7 Conversion-Sabotaging Words to Avoid at All Costs

While some words, like 'Submit' on your CTA button, may seem innocent enough, they could be costing you dearly, turning away visitors in droves. Avoid these 7 words at all costs!

Brad Smith
November 7, 2016 | Conversion Rates

3 Important Facebook Ad Copy Tests To Highlight Your Value Proposition

These three A/B tests from WordStream’s Facebook Ads account showcase how important testing your ad copy is. Learn how to showcase your value prop to maximize clicks and conversions!

Mary Lister
October 25, 2016 | Conversion Rates

10 Reasons Your Site Is Preventing Conversions Right Now

Want more site conversions? Don't we all? If you're making any (or all) of these ten common mistakes, you're shooting your business in the foot.

Guest Author
October 19, 2016 | Conversion Rates

The Art & Science of High-Converting Landing Page Images

Your landing page images play a crucial role in your conversion rates. Find out how to optimize your landing page images for conversions in this must-read post.

Brad Smith
September 30, 2016 | Conversion Rates

The 3 Crucial Features of a Great CTA

A great call-to-action, or CTA, includes three crucial elements: a unique value proposition, the right tone of voice, and perfect page placement. Learn how to create more effective CTA's in this guide.

Brad Smith
August 26, 2016 | Conversion Rates

6 Landing Page Copywriting Principles for More Conversions

Learn the six principles of great landing page copywriting that will ensure your landing pages drive conversions, leads and sales.

From Spam to BAM! Leveraging User Intent in Email Optimization

Understanding and leveraging user intent is crucial in email optimization. Learn everything you need to know about user intent and email marketing in this must-read post.

Dan Shewan
July 15, 2016 | Conversion Rates

What’s the Most Important CRO Metric? (Hint: Not Conversion Rate)

But one metric is more important than all the rest. I know what you're thinking. A conversion rate is the most important CRO metric you should track, right? Duh? Seems like a no-brainer. Actually, no. Here are three reasons why.

Larry Kim
June 29, 2016 | Conversion Rates

7 Strategies for High-Converting Landing Pages

Take a look at some landing page strategies that go beyond the basics, so you can take your landing pages to a new level of conversion power.

3 Ways to Increase Conversions (Without a Single A/B Test)

Contrary to popular belief, the real way to increase conversions isn't with small-time A/B testing! Here are three actionable strategies for increasing conversions without a single A/B test.

3 Landing Page Optimization Myths EXPOSED

We dispel three of the most common landing page optimization myths out there and explain how you can increase your conversion rates without ever touching a landing page.

Is Live Chat Support Killing Your Landing Page Conversions?

Let’s say you do a Google search, click on a paid ad, and navigate to a site to purchase bespoke pillowcases. In the lower right-hand corner of your browser you notice something lying in wait.

Allen Finn
March 17, 2016 | Conversion Rates

7 Ideas for Upgrading Your Call to Action

Call-to-action marketing is a powerful technique to persuade visitors to your site to do what you want them to do. Here are seven actionable tips for crafting more compelling calls to action.

Dan Shewan
March 3, 2016 | Conversion Rates

5 Real-Life Landing Page Split Test Ideas

Split tests are a crucial aspect of conversion rate optimization for landing pages. These five real-life lessons will help you create better landing page split tests.

Guest Author
August 18, 2015 | Conversion Rates

How to Increase Conversion Rates Without Touching A Landing Page

Stop spending all day on tiny landing page optimizations! Here are five alternate ways to *seriously* increase conversion rates.

Larry Kim
August 10, 2015 | Conversion Rates

Google Makes Strides in Tracking Cross-Device Conversions Across the Web

Did you know 90% of people move between devices to accomplish a goal? Google’s DoubleClick announced they are now going to provide marketers cross-device measurement to all of their campaigns across the web.

5 Tips for Running an A/B Test on a Budget

A/B testing is like eating your vegetables. Here are our top 5 A/B testing tips for small businesses or marketers working on a budget.

Meg Lister
June 16, 2015 | Conversion Rates

Landing Page Inspiration: 19 Landing Page Examples for 2019

Need a little landing page inspiration to spark your creativity? Feast your eyes on 19 of the best landing pages we've ever seen!

Dan Shewan
June 15, 2015 | Conversion Rates

How a Stupid Marketing Quiz Can Actually Drive Leads

Goofy quizzes are some of the most popular, shareable content out there. But can marketing quizzes actually drive leads and sales?

Join WordStream at Content Marketing Conference Las Vegas May 12-14

On Wednesday May 13th at 3:30 pm, I'm going to share the best Small Tactics That Have Big Impact for content performance with attendees at the epic Content Marketing Conference in Las Vegas.

Larry Kim
April 17, 2015 | Conversion Rates

17 Best Practices for Crazy-Effective Call-To-Action Buttons

In this post, we discuss 17 call-to-action button best practices to help you get a higher CTR and more conversions out of your beautiful buttons.

Megan Marrs
February 20, 2015 | Conversion Rates

11 Kick-Ass Call to Action Examples (And Why They Work)

To get your prospects to do what you want, it helps to include a compelling call to action on your website and in your marketing campaigns. In today’s post, we'll show you 11 creative and effective call to action examples, and explain why these call to action phrases work so well.

Dan Shewan
October 20, 2014 | Conversion Rates

Hook, Line, and Sinker: 7 Tips for a Killer Call-to-Action

Read to the end of this blog post to receive $1 million! Oh, if only that were true. Check out this post for some great tips on how to craft a clear and engaging call-to-action (CTA) for your marketing campaigns.

Voice of the Customer: The Secret Weapon For Great Landing Page Copy

What is the voice of the customer? VOC is all about using your customers' language to write more convincing, effective ad and landing page copy. Learn how to conduct voice of customer research that will help you write more conversion-friendly landing pages that resonate with your audience.

Brad McMillen
September 11, 2014 | Conversion Rates

5 Cognitive Biases & How to Overcome Them On Your Landing Pages

In today’s post, we’re going to examine what cognitive bias is, look at several examples of these behaviors in action, and outline how you can overcome (or at least account for) them with your landing pages.

3 A/B Tests That Surprised the Heck Out of Us (See You at the Opties!)

A/B tests are an integral part of WordStream's marketing efforts. In this post, we examine three A/B tests that surprised us.

Dan Shewan
March 27, 2014 | Conversion Rates

What’s a Good Conversion Rate? (It’s Higher Than You Think)

What is a good conversion rate? Learn a step-by-step, replicable process for boosting your conversion rates.

Larry Kim
March 17, 2014 | Conversion Rates