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Landing Pages

Landing pages are the key to getting more conversions from your campaigns, but they’re not one size fits all. Our in-depth articles on landing page best practices and tips cover everything you need to know to get the best results from your ads—from landing page design, relevancy, and copy to SEO and user experience. These can make or break your ads, so use our landing page examples and tips to get your best results yet, from more signups to more customers and everything in between!

The Art & Science of High-Converting Landing Page Images

Your landing page images play a crucial role in your conversion rates. Find out how to optimize your landing page images for conversions in this must-read post.

Brad Smith
September 30, 2016 | Conversion Rates

6 Landing Page Copywriting Principles for More Conversions

Learn the six principles of great landing page copywriting that will ensure your landing pages drive conversions, leads and sales.

5 Proven Formulas for High-Converting Landing Page Headlines

The most successful headlines in the world follow these proven headline formulas! Learn the tricks to writing landing page headlines that convert like crazy.

Brad Smith
June 17, 2016 | Copywriting

7 Strategies for High-Converting Landing Pages

Take a look at some landing page strategies that go beyond the basics, so you can take your landing pages to a new level of conversion power.

White Space Design: Your Secret Weapon for Great Landing Pages

White space is the secret weapon to help you make more upscale, persuasive landing pages! Use these tips on white space design for a landing page upgrade.

3 Landing Page Optimization Myths EXPOSED

We dispel three of the most common landing page optimization myths out there and explain how you can increase your conversion rates without ever touching a landing page.

Learn How to Make Your Landing Pages 247% More Awesome

In this post, learn how video can make even the most high-performing landing pages even more effective using video.

Guest Author
April 18, 2016 | Landing Pages

5 Deadly Landing Page Mistakes Sabotaging Your Results

These all-too-common landing page mistakes could be costing you dearly. Find out how to avoid these common problems and what to do if you're making them.

Brad Smith
April 11, 2016 | Landing Pages

16 Ways to Optimize Your Product Landing Pages

If you’re in the e-commerce business and looking to increase your conversion rates, you’re in the right place. In this article you’ll learn 16 tips for optimizing your e-commerce product pages and the mindset you need to achieve explosive business growth.

Guest Author
April 4, 2016 | Landing Pages

Landing Pages for Lead Generation: 8 Conversion-Driving Tips

Landing pages for lead generation are a different game than regular old product pages. Learn eight smart tips for more effective lead gen landing pages in this guide.

Margot Whitney
February 19, 2016 | Landing Pages

4 Tips for Creating Amazing Facebook Landing Pages

Facebook landing pages are among the most important elements in a paid social campaign. Here are four tips for making landing pages that convert.

Dan Shewan
November 6, 2015 | Landing Pages

Our 10 Best Landing Page Tips & Tricks Ever

In this post, we count down our top 10 landing page tips and tricks ever!

Dan Shewan
September 1, 2015 | Landing Pages

7 Best Practices for Perfect Landing Page Forms

Landing page forms are one of the most important parts of a landing page. Here are seven best practices you should follow to increase the conversion rates of your forms.

Dan Shewan
July 27, 2015 | Landing Pages

Message Match: One Weird Trick for Better Landing Pages

Landing page message match is a major problem. Learn what message match is and how poor message match can kill your conversion rates.

Guest Author
July 16, 2015 | Landing Pages

Landing Page Relevance: Can You Optimize for Quality Score?

Is landing page relevance really that important, and can you optimize landing pages for Quality Score?

Dan Shewan
July 1, 2015 | Landing Pages

7 Landing Page Tools to Save Your Conversion Rates

These seven free or cheap landing page tools will help you create, fix, test or improve your landing pages to boost conversion rates.

Megan Marrs
June 24, 2015 | Landing Pages

Landing Page Inspiration: 19 Landing Page Examples for 2019

Need a little landing page inspiration to spark your creativity? Feast your eyes on 19 of the best landing pages we've ever seen!

Dan Shewan
June 15, 2015 | Conversion Rates

Product Pages 101: 9 Tips for Killer E-Commerce Landing Pages

Struggling to get online conversions? Follow these 9 tips to improve your product pages and drastically increase sales from e-commerce landing pages.

Links on Landing Pages: To Link or Not to Link? [DATA]

Most landing page experts advocate limiting links on landing pages so your visitors don't leave the page. But are marketers following this best practice?

17 Landing Page Ideas to Inspire Your Next Campaign

Need some landing page ideas and inspiration? Here are 15 creative landing page ideas that will help convert more of your visitors into customers. Try adding images of real people, using trust signals, experimenting with color, and testing a dual CTA.

Dan Shewan
April 16, 2015 | Landing Pages

5+ Power Words & Techniques for More Persuasive Landing Pages

Persuasive landing pages are one of the most effective ways to increase conversion rates. In this post, I'll show you five ways you can use persuasive copywriting to your advantage.

Dan Shewan
April 8, 2015 | Copywriting

Why Video Landing Pages Kick Ass (& How to Make Your Own)

In this post, we’ll show you what video landing pages are, the types of businesses that can benefit from video landing pages, and some examples of great video landing pages.

Dan Shewan
December 16, 2014 | Landing Pages

Why You NEED Social Media Landing Pages (Not Just a Homepage!)

Your business NEEDS social media landing pages - don't lose those valuable social network leads. Instead, funnel them to conversions! Learn how in our post.

Megan Marrs
May 27, 2014 | Landing Pages

The Clueless Marketer’s Guide to Building a Landing Page from Scratch

In today’s post, you’ll learn how to build a landing page from the ground up, including landing page tools and templates to help you get the job done.

Dan Shewan
April 21, 2014 | Landing Pages

How to Build the Perfect Mobile Landing Page

When it comes to mobile landing pages, every second counts. Don't miss out on potential conversions. Follow these tips to build the perfect mobile landing page.

Dan Shewan
March 10, 2014 | Landing Pages

Landing Page Examples: Learning from the Best & Worst Landing Pages on the Web

We're taking a look at the best and worst landing pages on the web - check out these landing page examples to learn how your landing pages can improve.

Megan Marrs
March 5, 2014 | Landing Pages

The AdWords Landing Page Grader: Try Our New Free Landing Page Tool

Try WordStream's FREE Landing Page Tool to analyze and optimize your Google AdWords landing pages and improve landing page conversion rates.

Ben Kasdon
February 19, 2014 | Landing Pages