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Content Marketing

Content marketing is crucial to developing your brand, establishing thought leadership, expanding the top of your funnel, and driving organic traffic. Our in-depth content marketing articles teach marketers and small business owners how to develop a content strategy that resonates with their target audience. Get tips on how to create cornerstone content, how to write a blog post, how to target the right keywords, and much more!

Easy Guide to Creating an Awesome "About Us" Page

Wondering how to design a great About Us page? Follow our tips and examples for creating or improving your About Us page’s content, layout, design, and concept.

13 Actionable Tips For More Awesome Marketing Presentations

Struggling to craft a halfway decent marketing slide deck? Check out Erin's go-to, 13-step formula for a rocking marketing presentation.

Erin Sagin
March 14, 2016 | Content Marketing

5 Quick & Actionable Tips for Better Content Marketing Images

Heads up: You NEED to be using images in your content marketing! Here are five actionable tips to optimize your content marketing images for better engagement.

Elisa Gabbert
February 26, 2016 | Content Marketing

Intent Marketing: The Life-Changing Magic of Giving People What They Want

Intent marketing is everything this year! Learn why addressing user intent is so important in both content marketing and paid advertising in 2017 and beyond.

Elisa Gabbert
January 21, 2016 | Content Marketing

Our 13 Best Content Marketing Tips… Ever!

As New Year's Eve approaches, we look back at our best content marketing advice ever so you can hit the ground running with your own content projects in 2016.

Dan Shewan
December 28, 2015 | Content Marketing

3 Cool New Keyword Tools for Generating Content Ideas

You know how they say you should shake up your work-out routine from time to time to “shock your body”? (Real talk: I never do this.) The same is true of your keyword research routine – changing up your tools is a great way to get new content ideas.

Elisa Gabbert
December 1, 2015 | Content Marketing

3 Game-Changing Ways to Think Like a Content Marketer in PPC

PPC marketers should be putting on a content marketing hat from time to time. Check out the 3 game-changing ways PPC marketers can benefit from thinking like content marketers.

3 Tips for Ranking in the Featured Snippet (AKA Position Zero)

Getting into Google's featured snippet is like ranking in position zero! Learn how to get featured snippets in Google and earn tons of organic traffic.

Elisa Gabbert
October 13, 2015 | Content Marketing

7 Sources for Marketing Data to Make Your Content More Convincing

Marketing data is one of your most powerful tools as a content marketer. Check out these seven sources of marketing statistics before starting your next content project.

11 Big Content Marketing Challenges (and How to Overcome Them)

Content marketing is an incredibly effective way to raise brand awareness and drive traffic. But businesses face serious challenges when getting started with content marketing. Here’s how you can overcome those challenges and start seeing results.

Dan Shewan
March 16, 2015 | Content Marketing

The Best Content Marketing Tools for Creation, Promotion, Syndication & More

Curata recently compiled its definitive list of content marketing tools for 2015. Find out which tools made the cut in this post.

Larry Kim
February 18, 2015 | Content Marketing

8 Blog Topic Generators for Blog Post Idea Inspiration

Need some inspiration for your next blog post? Check out these eight blog topic generators to get your creative juices flowing.

Megan Marrs
February 12, 2015 | Content Marketing

How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in 5 Steps

Writing a blog post is a little like driving: nothing can prepare you for getting behind the wheel. In this post, we show you how to write a blog post that people will actually want to read.

Dan Shewan
February 9, 2015 | Content Marketing

Content Strategy for the Web: 3 Tips from HubSpot to Grow Your Content Audience

Did you know that HubSpot gets over 2 million monthly blog readers? Joe Chernov, HubSpot's VP of Content, shares killer tactics to refine your content strategy for the web.

11 Genius Ways to Repurpose Content

Repurposing your content is genius—why? Because it makes the most of the effort you’ve already put in, so you can get more value out of your best content. Here are 11 ways to change the format of your content and give it a whole new lease on life.

Megan Marrs
February 3, 2015 | Content Marketing

How To Increase Blog Traffic: 5 Easy Steps to Stardom

You've been working hard on your blog. You feel established. Now it's time to get serious about traffic. We're right there with you friend - here are five easy steps you can start taking to increase blog traffic! Hi-Ho Silver!

Megan Marrs
January 27, 2015 | Content Marketing

The Content Marketing Expert Guide to Analytics & Metrics

Measuring the success of content marketing campaigns can seem like a dark art - but it doesn't have to be. Learn how to quantify the success of your content using these expert tips.

Larry Kim
January 7, 2015 | Content Marketing

How to Get a Million+ Blog Visits Per Month

Learn from the pros at WordStream and HubSpot how to run a blog that drives a million visits per month, including tips for blogging strategy, optimization, management and promotion.

Elisa Gabbert
November 24, 2014 | Content Marketing

Ultimate Guide to Finding, Customizing, & Using Free Images for Blogs

Want gorgeous custom images to boost your blog? Look no further - we're bringing you the complete guide to finding, customizing, and sharing free images for your website. You're steps away from a beautiful blog!

Megan Marrs
November 17, 2014 | Content Marketing

BuzzSumo Tutorial: 3 Ways to Use BuzzSumo for Awesome Content Marketing Insight

BuzzSumo can be used for gathering valuable insight into the success of your content on social media channels. Learn how in this BuzzSumo tutorial.

Brett McHale
November 6, 2014 | Content Marketing

5 Productivity Tips and Tools for Lazy Content Marketers

Are you a content marketer that needs help getting more done? These tips and tools will boost your productivity and help you focus on the task at hand.

Dan Shewan
November 4, 2014 | Content Marketing

5 Epic Content Marketing Tips from Joe Pulizzi

Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute and self-described 'poster boy' for content marketing, recently shared five content marketing tips to creating epic content. In this post, I'll share them with you.

3 Content Marketing ‘Best Practices’ that Small Businesses Should Ignore

Small businesses have smaller budgets and smaller teams, so learn how to adapt your content marketing strategy so it works for your resources and goals.

Elisa Gabbert
September 25, 2014 | Content Marketing

Comedy in Content Marketing: To Be Memorable, Make ‘Em Laugh

Even B2B companies can find success with using comedy in their content marketing. Learn why funny content is more memorable and works in every industry.

Larry Kim
September 10, 2014 | Content Marketing

Storytelling in Content Marketing: What It Is, What It Isn’t, & How to Do it Right

Do marketers need to tell stories in their content? What's the difference between content marketing and storytelling?

Dan Shewan
September 3, 2014 | Content Marketing

How to Develop Brand Voice Through Content Marketing

Brand voice: What is it? Why does it matter? Learn how to develop a strong brand voice in your marketing campaigns with this guide.

32 Free (& Almost Free) Content Marketing Tools

Discover the latest and greatest free content marketing tools to help boost your content strategy, including tools for content creation, promotion and more.