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Conversion Rates

Every marketer and business owner fears the “leaky bucket.” If you want to turn more of your website visitors into customers, check out our collection of in-depth articles on conversion rate optimization, with tons of tips and strategies for increasing your conversion rate through A/B testing, landing page optimization, segmentation and personalization strategies, copywriting and ad creative improvements, UX and design, pop-ups and chatbots, and much more!

A/B Testing Best Practices Can Save You Time, Money and Effort – Here’s How

A/B testing best practices can save you time, money and effort. Maximize your landing pages' conversions by following these simple tips.

Dan Shewan
February 26, 2014 | Conversion Rates

How to Create Squeeze Pages: What Makes a Great Squeeze Page Design?

As its name suggests, there is an element of intentional yet subtle forcefulness involved in a squeeze page. Wondering how squeeze pages might help improve your business? We have all the details.

Megan Marrs
September 16, 2013 | Conversion Rates

The Complete Guide to Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Unless you've got conversion tracking set up properly in your Google Ads account, you won't be able to see how many of your clicks are actually resulting in conversions and sales. Check out our all-in-one guide to conversion tracking in Google Ads.

Erin Bell
August 13, 2013 | Conversion Rates

12 Tests to Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate, Starting Today

Learn the 12 easiest ways to improve your landing page conversion rate, including testing your headline, using directional cues, shortening your lead form and more.

24 of the Most Surprising A/B Tests of All Time

24 marketing experts share the results of their craziest, most shocking A/B tests, including landing page A/B tests, PPC ad text tests and more.

Elisa Gabbert
September 25, 2012 | Conversion Rates

How Page Speed Affects Conversion Rates

Every year my marketing team has an offsite planning meeting where we lay out major goals and initiatives for the coming year. Last winter, site speed made it to the top of that list. The main push for making site speed a priority came from our SEO team.

Guest Author
August 23, 2011 | Conversion Rates

Case Study: How a Change to the ‘About Us’ Page Raised Conversion Rates by 13%

Learn how changing the language on the About Us page helped one company raise conversion rates by 13% overnight.

Guest Author
September 28, 2010 | Conversion Rates

PPC Ad Testing to Maximize Conversions

To maximize total number of conversions on your site, you will need to look at Impressions to Conversions, a metric that considers both CTR and CVR.

Chad Summerhill
September 15, 2010 | Conversion Rates

Pros & Cons of View-Through Conversion Tracking

Learn the pros and cons of view-through conversion tracking, a type of tracking that measures conversions that don’t result from clicks on a PPC ad.

7 Ways to Segment Your Landing Page Visitors

Learn seven ways to segment your landing pages so you can make the right media buys, capture the right audience and convert the best leads.

20 Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Resources – Learn how to Convert More of Your Traffic

20 web site conversion rate optimization (CRO) resources that will help you turn more of your visitors into conversions.

Tom Demers
October 8, 2009 | Conversion Rates