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Social Media

The world of social media is a complicated one, and each platform has its own nuances and demographics. Our collection of social media blog posts gives marketers the ability to not only navigate it, but to thrive in it. From Facebook advertising, to TikTok tips, to knowing the best time to post on Instagram, the WordStream blog is your home for social media marketing.

4 Reasons Your Facebook Ads Are Not Delivering (& What to Do About It!)

Facebook ads not delivering? Don't panic. Here, we're sharing four common reasons your Facebook ads aren't showing, plus how you can fix them ASAP!

Michelle Morgan
March 10, 2020 | Social Media

7 Ways to Write More Like-able Social Media Copy

Social media content comes in many shapes and sizes, but following these seven fundamental practices will ensure your social media copy is appealing to your audience and shareable no matter what platform you're on.

Mary Lister
March 3, 2020 | Social Media

Facebook Mandates Campaign Budget Optimization: Here’s What You Need to Know

Facebook will retire ad set level optimization in favor of campaign budget optimization. Here's everything you need to know, including why Facebook likely made this change, the pros and cons, and how to prepare your account!

Brett McHale
February 27, 2020 | Social Media

13+ Ways to Boost Engagement With User-Generated Content on Instagram

User-generated content is a great way to boost social engagement. In this guide to leveraging UGC on Instagram, we're sharing how to source content, how to use it effectively, and how to make sure you're still providing a high-quality customer experience!

Akvile DeFazio
February 13, 2020 | Social Media

7 Fundamental Facebook Advertising Tips for Small Business Marketers

Facebook advertising is essential for small businesses, but getting those campaigns to perform is a different story. Here are seven Facebook advertising tips for small business marketers!

Michelle Morgan
February 10, 2020 | Social Media

Boost Your Facebook Video Views with These 6 Tactics

If you're spending time and budget to create and promote videos or video ads, you know Facebook video views are important. Here are six ways to boost your Facebook video views, including competitive research, using subtitles, and more!

Conor Bond
January 30, 2020 | Social Media

I Spent $10 M+ on Google & Facebook Ads-Here’s What I Learned

Our in-house acquisition marketer Kristina Simonson has learned a lot spending over $10 million in Google and Facebook ad spends. Here, she's sharing her top five lessons, including optimize for quality, master the algorithm, and more!

Kristina Simonson
January 9, 2020 | Social Media

6 Lessons from Our Favorite Facebook Campaigns of 2019

Super successful Facebook and Instagram campaigns, plus six major lessons we can use in our 2020 planning, including using relationship-based marketing, gathering intel with Instagram Story polls, and more!

Akvile DeFazio
December 19, 2019 | Social Media

8 Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Social media is mandatory for businesses these days, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Here are eight common mistakes you need to avoid, including working without a plan, choosing the wrong tone, and more!

Guest Author
December 11, 2019 | Social Media

How to Customize Your Facebook Ads for Placements

Facebook offers a ton of different placement options for your ads—but to make your ads engaging, you need to customize for each placement. In this guide, we walk you through the process, from selecting the placement to the final review and everything in between!

Michelle Morgan
December 10, 2019 | Social Media

7 Epic Instagram Story Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

The possibilities on Instagram for brands and users are endless, but one of the most powerful features for your Instagram strategy? Instagram Stories. Here are six epic Instagram story hacks you need to try, including customizing with color, experimenting with fonts, and more!

Mikayla Wyman
December 4, 2019 | Instagram

11 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Video Ad with a Killer Hook

With 8 billion video views a day, need to make sure your Facebook videos stand out with a hook. Here are 11 tactics to make your Facebook video ad unskippable, including starting with blurry images, skipping sound, and more!

Guest Author
November 14, 2019 | Social Media

6 Simple Steps to Make Engaging YouTube Pre-Roll Ads

Creating YouTube pre-roll ads can be tricky, especially if you’re a small business. Here are the six steps you need to create engaging pre-roll ads, including brainstorming ideas, making your video weird, and more!

Mary Lister
October 31, 2019 | Social Media

The All-in-One Guide to Facebook Ad Sizes, Specs, & Strategies

Facebook ad sizes, placements, and creative formats have changed a lot since launching in 2014. This all-in-one guide covers sizes, specs, and strategies for everything, including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, instant experiences, and more!

Brett McHale
October 29, 2019 | Social Media

9 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Lead Generation Ads Today

LinkedIn is the best platform for B2B targeting, but not all lead generation strategies are created equal. To get the high-quality leads on LinkedIn, you need to improve your ads. Here are eight tips to improve your LinkedIn lead generation ads today, including integrating your CRM, choosing a naming system, and more!

Michelle Morgan
October 7, 2019 | Social Media

3 Tricks to Solve Your Most Common Facebook Ads Issues

This article addresses the most common Facebook ad issues and how to prevent them. We’ll cover ad scheduling, ad rotation, and budget settings so you can spend less time setting up and more time optimizing!

Michelle Morgan
September 10, 2019 | Social Media

How to Sell Like Crazy with Facebook Slideshow Ads

Facebook Slideshow Ads let you create customized, high-quality video content for your Facebooks advertising campaigns quickly and easily—and at a low cost! In this guide, we tell you what Facebook Slideshow ads are, how to set these up, and four expert-approved tips for selling like crazy with these ads!

Akvile DeFazio
August 27, 2019 | Social Media

Facebook Ads for Restaurants: 11 Tips to Bring More Revenue to Your Table!

Get more reservations—and revenue—for your restaurant with Facebook ads! Here are 11 tips to create better Facebook ads for restaurants, including how to target potential diners by location, how to attract them with atmosphere, and more!

Margot Whitney
August 20, 2019 | Social Media

Facebook Ads for Dentists: 9 Tips to Out-Shine Your Competitors

Facebook ads are a great way for dentists to stand out from the competition. Here are 11 tips for better Facebook ads for dentists to reach your audience, personalize your ads, and more!

Margot Whitney
July 31, 2019 | Social Media

5 Steps to a Conversion-Driven Facebook Ads Sales Funnel

You need to build relationships over time to market effectively, and sales funnels can help with that. In this guide, we break down how to create a conversion-driven Facebook sales funnel in just five steps so that you can build better relationships with your prospects and start getting better results.

Akvile DeFazio
July 22, 2019 | Social Media

Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Ads for Mobile Apps

If you're looking to get more people installing, using, and re-engaging with your app, you need to set up Facebook ads. In this complete guide to getting started with Facebook ads for mobile apps, we share everything you need to know, from registering your app to targeting your audience and more!

How to Target Your Best Audience with Reddit Advertising

Reddit's one of the most visited websites in the world, which means advertising on Reddit could be a huge opportunity for your business—as long as you can find your audience. Here are top targeting options on Reddit, including subreddit targeting, location targeting, and more!

Joe Martinez
May 24, 2019 | Social Media

How to Boost Event Attendance with Facebook Ads

Whether you're planning a conference, a webinar, or a concert, you need to try Facebook ads for event promotion. In this guide, we cover everything from setting up a Facebook event to optimizing your Facebook ads for event promotion to get even more attendees.

B2B Social Media: 4 Ways to Target Your Audience

Social media audience targeting isn't as straightforward for B2B companies, but that doesn't mean it isn't effective. Here are quick ways to target your B2B audience on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Guest Author
May 13, 2019 | Social Media

5 Social Media Networks Beyond Facebook & Twitter to Test

Most marketers are advertising on giant social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. But testing multiple platforms is key to any social media marketing success. Here are 5 lesser-used social media networks to add to your strategy, including Reddit, Pinterest, and more!

11 Creative Strategies for Facebook Ad Targeting After the Changes

Facebook ad targeting has changed, so your strategies need to change, too. Here are 11 creative Facebook ad targeting strategies to help your ads find your ideal audience, even with the new restrictions!

5 Ways to Cut Your Cost per Lead on Facebook Ads

With Facebook ad costs rising, B2B lead generation is getting more expensive—so you need to start spending smarter. Here are five ways to cut your Facebook ads cost per lead, including audience targeting, landing page copy, and more!

Guest Author
April 18, 2019 | Social Media