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Social Media

The world of social media is a complicated one, and each platform has its own nuances and demographics. Our collection of social media blog posts gives marketers the ability to not only navigate it, but to thrive in it. From Facebook advertising, to TikTok tips, to knowing the best time to post on Instagram, the WordStream blog is your home for social media marketing.

7 Ways to Upgrade Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media is always changing, so your social media marketing strategy should be, too. Here are seven ways to boost your strategy this year, including working with micro-influencers, exploring dark social, and more!

Guest Author
April 5, 2019 | Social Media

The Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs

For the sake of overhead, a lot of entrepreneurs look to explore the cost-effective world of Facebook ads on their own terms. In this blog, we teach you how to do just that. This is your beginner’s guide to Facebook ads for entrepreneurs.

Gordon Donnelly
March 27, 2019 | Social Media

How to Share Deals & Drive Sales with Facebook Offer Ads

Facebook Offer Ads are customizable, mobile-only ads that are excellent tools for brick-and-mortar locations and ecommerce brands. In this guide, we tell you everything you need to know to create your Facebook Offer Ads, use promo codes to boost sales, and more!

Akvile DeFazio
March 21, 2019 | Social Media

The Easy Guide to Social Media for Small Business

Social media a powerful platform to build brand awareness and generate leads. Here's everything you need to get started on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, including what to post, when to post it, and more!

Mikayla Wyman
March 19, 2019 | Social Media

The Complete LinkedIn Advertising Cheatsheet

If you are targeting c-suite professionals, providing educational material to marketers, or just spreading brand awareness, LinkedIn is the platform for you. In this LinkedIn advertising cheatsheet, I'll cover everything you need to know, including ad types, audience targeting, and more!

Mary Lister
March 5, 2019 | Social Media

4 Facebook Messenger Marketing Strategies You Have to Try

Facebook Messenger is quickly becoming a widely used marketing tactic. Here we're sharing the top four strategies that you need to try, including comment guards, chatblasts, and more.

Larry Kim
February 28, 2019 | Social Media

6 Steps to Create a Full-Funnel Advertising Strategy with Facebook Objectives

Leveraging Facebook objectives is the key to creating cross-funnel campaign strategy. Follow these six steps to get started with your own full-funnel Facebook strategy!

Kristina Simonson
February 21, 2019 | Social Media

Facebook Ads Daily vs. Lifetime Budgets: Pros & Cons

Still not sure whether to select daily budget or lifetime budget for your Facebook Ads campaign? We can help with that. Here, we break down each option to help you make the right decision for your accounts.

Michelle Morgan
February 19, 2019 | Social Media

Facebook Lead Ads vs. Landing Pages: Which Is Better? [Data]

Which perform better: Facebook lead ads or landing pages? WordStream pulled some exciting new data! In this post, we give a data-backed rundown on the pros and cons of using each advertising strategy.

Gordon Donnelly
February 14, 2019 | Social Media

Top 12 Social Media Marketing Tools for 2019

Social media marketing is impossible without the right SMM tools. In this post, we’ll go through the best social media marketing tools for social media management, social media listening, and paid social advertising.

Guest Author
February 8, 2019 | Social Media

LinkedIn Rolls Out Interest Targeting for Advertisers

LinkedIn has announced interest targeting for advertisers. Now, you can serve LinkedIn ads to highly relevant audiences. Check out our blog post for details!

Conor Bond
January 25, 2019 | Social Media

5 Facebook Lead Ad Examples to Learn From and Copy

Facebook lead ads provide the best opportunity to increase conversions by shrinking a drawn-out process down into just a few clicks. Here we share five successful examples of Facebook lead ads, including event promotions, carousel drip campaigns, and more.

Brad Smith
January 24, 2019 | Social Media

The Ridiculously Useful Guide to Snapchat Ads

In this ridiculously easy guide, we're telling you everything you need to know about Snapchat ads, from getting started to trying new formats to measuring your success.

Mary Lister
January 9, 2019 | Social Media

How to Get High-Quality B2B Leads with Facebook Ads

Still not using Facebook Ads to attract your B2B leads? Here, we share why you need to be leveraging the platform and three ways to get those high-quality leads.

Guest Author
December 18, 2018 | Social Media

5 Ways to Use Facebook Messenger Bots to Increase Conversions

There has been increasing interest in chatbots over recent years because of their ability to take on the burden of time-consuming business tasks.

Guest Author
December 13, 2018 | Social Media

Every Facebook Ad Targeting Option in One Epic Graphic (Updated!)

We compiled all of the Facebook ad targeting options in one comprehensive infographic—again.

Conor Bond
December 10, 2018 | Social Media

Facebook Campaign Objectives: What Every Advertiser Needs to Know

In this guide, we break down Facebook’s campaign objectives and settings so that you know exactly what features to focus on during set up. We also provide insights on how to set your next campaign up for success.

Kristina Simonson
November 26, 2018 | Social Media

Facebook Ads Checklist: 5 Quick Questions to Ask Before You Hit "Go"

Your Facebook ads should be set and ready to start attracting clicks and generating leads as soon as you hit "go." To make sure that your ads are good and ready, take a few minutes and go through our Facebook Ads Checklist.

Chris O'Keeffe
October 26, 2018 | Social Media

Google Is Finally Sunsetting Google+: Here’s What It Means

Google is putting its long-beleaguered social media platform, Google Plus, out to pasture. Learn all about the data breach that forced Google's hand, and some ramifications of the announcement.

Gordon Donnelly
October 10, 2018 | Social Media

Small Agency Hacks: 7 Low-Cost Ways to Manage Client Social Media Accounts

When managing a client’s social media accounts, it can be tough to juggle hitting goals, delivering on time, and staying within budget. Don’t worry; we’re here help. Here are seven smart, low-cost ways you can manage social media accounts and keep those clients happy.

Guest Author
October 2, 2018 | Social Media

6 Simple Steps to a Facebook Lead Ad that Converts like Crazy

Facebook lead ads are mobile-friendly, budget-friendly ads that can help you reach your audience and acquire more leads – even when they’re on their phones. But more leads doesn’t always mean better leads. We'll walk you through six simple steps for creating Facebook leads ads that capture high-quality leads that convert into new customers and clients like crazy.

Guest Author
September 26, 2018 | Social Media

Navigating the Algorithmic Learning Period in Google & Facebook Ads

What is the learning period in Google Ads and Facebook Ads? What actions trigger a learning period? In this guide, you'll get answers to all your burning questions about how long it takes advertising platforms' algorithms to learn from significant changes to your account.

Get Visible: Using Paid Search & Social for Brand Awareness

Paid search and social ads, from Google ads to Facebook to YouTube to LinkedIn, are an incredibly effective way to raise brand awareness and get a broader audience interested in your company and what you offer. Here's how to get started with your own brand awareness campaigns.

7 Facebook Retargeting Tactics You Must Try

Facebook retargeting enables advertisers to turn site visitors into converted users. But there’s much more to retargeting than just showing the same generic ads to all your past site visitors. Level up with these seven super effective tips!

Asi Dayan
September 4, 2018 | Social Media

5 Data-Backed Tips for Writing Great Facebook Ad Headlines

Facebook ads are by far the most popular social media tool used by advertisers. If you want to stand out, you need great headlines. Check out our tips!

Marc Schenker
August 28, 2018 | Social Media

Facebook Removes Ad Targeting Options – Should You Be Worried?

Facebook has removed over 5,000 ad targeting options from its advertising platform. Check out this blog post to get the information you need to know.

Conor Bond
August 22, 2018 | Social Media

The Fast & Easy Facebook Advertising Cheat Sheet (One for the Bookmarks!)

Facebook ads are one of the most cost-effective ways to expand the reach of your brand. This cheatsheet to Facebook ad will get you started with understanding Facebook ad types, ad costs, and more.

Marc Schenker
August 20, 2018 | Social Media