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10 Ways to Improve Your Social Signals for SEO

Are social signals a Google ranking factor? Definitely maybe.


AdWords Quick Wins, Volume 2: More Reports that Could Save You Thousands

Today we’ll walk through two more easy to pull reports that could uncover thousands in potential savings: the placement report and the audience report.

Tom Demers
February 13, 2012 | Paid Search Marketing

How to Create Google AdWords Audiences

Learn best practices for creating specific types of audiences within the AdWords interface for your Google AdWords display campaigns.

7 Examples of Awesomely Creative Advertising: Using Your Environment

What makes creative ads successful? Check out these seven incredibly innovative advertisements that use their physical settings to create unique and memorable ads, and get in depth analysis as to why they work so well.

Megan Marrs
February 8, 2012 | Marketing Ideas

Quick Guide to Google AdWords Audience Reporting

is is the second post in a series on the Google AdWords Audience tab. In the first post in the series, we walked through what an AdWords audience really is and the types of audiences you can target.

Tom Demers
February 6, 2012 | Reporting & Analysis

Google Ads Audience: What Is a Google Ads Audience?

This is the first post in a series on the Google Ads audience tab. In this post, we’ll focus on the topic of how Google defines an “audience” as it pertains to Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) display campaigns, and some of the strategic ways you can make use of audiences within your display campaigns.

The Ultimate Guide to the Google AdWords Audience Tab

Learn everything you need to know about the Audience tab in Google AdWords in this free guide.

Google Ads Basics: 5 Things to Get Right First

Before you start worrying about fine-tuning your Google AdWords campaigns, make sure you master these five fundamentals of PPC marketing.

What Kinds of Businesses Should Use PPC Advertising?

Who uses PPC advertising? Should you? Learn five types of business that usually see great results and high ROI from PPC advertising.

Analyzing Your AdWords Ads

Learn how to use Google AdWords, AdWords Editor, Excel and other tools to analyze your AdWords ad performance metrics.

Tom Demers
January 24, 2012 | Reporting & Analysis

What Industries Contributed to Google’s $37.9 Billion in 2011 Revenues?

Learn the top 10 industries that spent the most on Google advertising last year, contributing to Google's 2011 revenues of $37.9 billion.

Larry Kim
January 23, 2012 | Paid Search Marketing

How to Create Video Ads & Mobile Ads in Google AdWords

Learn how to build video ads and mobile ads in Google AdWords, including tips and best practices for format and settings.

What Is SEO Content? A Guide to Creating Content for SEO

If you’re relatively new to the world of search marketing, you may have heard the term “SEO content” being thrown around in marketing meetings. This beginner’s guide is designed to answer three questions: What is “SEO content”? What types of SEO content are there? What is my SEO content strategy?

Elisa Gabbert
January 17, 2012 | SEO

How to Use the Google Ads Display Ad Builder

Learn how to use the AdWords Display Ad Builder to create image ads, including best practices for choosing display ad themes, templates and sizes.

Tom Demers
January 16, 2012 | Display Ads

How to Create a Google Ads Image Ad

Learn how to create an image ad in Google AdWords as well as how to optimize your image ads for maximum exposure across the web.

5-Step Guide for Creating & Optimizing Video Content that Ranks on Google: Part 2

Learn how to optimize YouTube video content that will help your business rank higher in Google in part 2 of this Video SEO Guide.

Megan Marrs
January 11, 2012 | Marketing Ideas

5-Step Guide for Creating & Optimizing Video Content that Ranks on Google: Part 1

Learn how to create and optimize YouTube video content for SEO, helping your business rank higher in Google search results.

Megan Marrs
January 10, 2012 | Marketing Ideas

AdWords Experts Share the Secrets of Their PPC Success, Part 14

Get tips for optimizing your Google PPC campaigns, including expert strategies for how often to make changes and what metrics to focus on.

How to Create a Google AdWords Text Ad

Get tips on creating new AdWords text ads from within the Google AdWords interface, as well as ad copy best practices.

Ultimate Guide to Creating & Analyzing Google AdWords Ads

Learn how to create highly effective Google AdWords text, image and display ads as well as how to analyze and improve your ads in this AdWords guide.

AdWords Experts Share the Secrets of Their PPC Success, Part 13

I have been using AdWords for more than 6 years now. I have also specialized in SEO and SMM. At Alensa, where I have worked for the last 2 years, we are not using an agency as our products are very specific and writing good ads for them requires additional knowledge of the products.

Guide to Google AdWords Advanced Settings

Learn how to optimize the Advanced Settings in Google AdWords, including scheduling, ad delivery, demographic bidding and social settings.

Adwords Voucher – 20 Google AdWords Vouchers worth $2000 in Total

20 Free Google Adwords Voucher Codes worth $100 each, and 20 Priceless AdWords Tutorials.

Larry Kim
December 30, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

Guide to Google Ads Networks & Devices Settings

Learn how to optimize the settings in the Google Ads networks and devices settings menus in this quick guide.

Tom Demers
December 29, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

11 SEO Tips for Optimizing for Local Search

Optimize for local search- here are 11 tips you can use to optimize your pages for local searches.

Megan Marrs
December 27, 2011 | Local Marketing

9 Tips to Create Awesome Content that Is Easily Discovered

Need help getting your content to rank for SEO? Learn nine tips that can help boost your content's ranking in the SERPs.

Megan Marrs
December 21, 2011 | Content Marketing

Guide to Google AdWords Bidding & Budget Settings

Learn about the various ways to manage bids in Google AdWords and when you should choose to focus on clicks versus conversions versus impressions.

Tom Demers
December 19, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing