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10 Ways to Improve Your Social Signals for SEO

Are social signals a Google ranking factor? Definitely maybe.


Google AdWords Dayparting: The AdWords Dimension Tab Time Report

Day of the Week – This is breaking down a period of time (e.g., the last six months) by day of the week. Your business might (or might not) perform well on weekends, or you might see a lower CPA on Wednesdays. If that’s the case, you can push more budget at those days that perform better.

When Should You Pause Google Ads Keywords?

Learn two situations in which it's a good idea to pause keywords in AdWords to save money and improve Quality Scores across your account.

Google AdWords Reporting Guide: AdWords Dimensions Tab Tips & Tutorials

Learn everything you need to know about the reports in the Google AdWords Dimensions Tab in this AdWords reporting guide.

Tom Demers
October 11, 2011 | Reporting & Analysis

How Does Google Decide Which Ad Extensions to Display?

So it looks like there are likely a few variables that determine which ad extension shows for your ad, but given that the prioritization is outside your control it’s likely best to enable whichever of the ad extensions both make sense for and are eligible for your account and monitor their progress.

How & When to Use Call Extensions in Google Ads

Learn all about Google AdWords call extensions, including when, how and why to use call extensions in your PPC campaigns.

The Problem with the Google AdWords Impression Share Report

In any PPC campaign there is a concept of diminishing returns – just because you can get x conversions at y price per conversion doesn’t mean that if you get 2x the conversions your cost per conversion will hold – in fact in a vast majority of cases it won’t.

Search Marketing & Technology News Roundup, Oct. 4, 2011

Read about the latest search marketing & technology news for Oct. 4, 2011. Learn about Google's new circular ads, Rhapsody's acquisition of Napster, Facebook's new metrics, ads, and timeline feature, and Apple's iPhone event today.

Megan Marrs
October 4, 2011 | Marketing Ideas

5 Great Marketing Case Studies from Around the Web

Marketing case studies are a great way to get attention and links to your blog, because people love personal stories. Here are five inspiring case studies.

Elisa Gabbert
September 29, 2011 | Content Marketing

Google Ads Sitelinks: How to Use Google Ads Sitelinks Extensions

Learn all about Sitelinks, a Google AdWords ad extension, in this complete guide to using sitelinks in your AdWords advertisements.

Tom Demers
September 26, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

Google AdWords Product Extensions Guide: A Product Extension Tutorial

Learn all about Google AdWords product extensions in this tutorial, including what they accomplish and how to use them to best effect in your campaigns.

Tom Demers
September 22, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

Ultimate Guide to PPC Metrics: 17 Experts on the Top 3 Must-Check PPC Metrics

Not sure which PPC metrics to focus on when evaluating your Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns? Get tips from the top experts in the industry in our Ultimate Guide to PPC Metrics.

Elisa Gabbert
September 20, 2011 | Reporting & Analysis

Google Ads Location Extensions Guide: Location Extension Targeting Best Practices

Learn why local ad extensions are important and when and how to use them in this guide to Google AdWords Location Extensions.

Tom Demers
September 19, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

9 Google Ad Extensions to Boost Your CTR

Learn all about using Google ad extensions to increase your ad CTR, including location extensions, sitelink extensions, call extensions, and more in this comprehensive guide.

Conor Bond
September 15, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

How to Use Keyword Research for New Product Development

Have you ever thought about using keyword research to guide new product development? Learn how to find out what customers want using Google Suggest.

Guest Author
September 14, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

AdWords Experts Share the Secrets of Their PPC Success, Part 3

This is the third in a series of interviews we're conducting with AdWords advertisers who got unusually high scores using our AdWords Performance Grader. We're reaching out to high scorers to find out what strategies contribute to their strong AdWords performance.

How Does Google Ads Geographical Targeting Really Work?

Does Google AdWords location targeting work the way you think it does? You might be surprised how aggressively Google uses the geo targeting option.

Tom Demers
September 12, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

AdWords Experts Share the Secrets of Their PPC Success, Part 2

An AdWords expert shares tips and strategies for mastering PPC and getting better results from your AdWords campaigns.

AdWords Experts Share the Secrets of Their PPC Success, Part 1

Learn how one AdWords expert gets such great results from his PPC campaigns in this interview featuring AdWords tips and strategies for success.

Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels: How to Use Multi-Channel Tracking & Attribution

Despite being somewhat overshadowed by slightly more interesting tech news yesterday, the Google Analytics blog made a big announcement: multi-channel funnels are now available to everyone.

How Page Speed Affects Conversion Rates

Every year my marketing team has an offsite planning meeting where we lay out major goals and initiatives for the coming year. Last winter, site speed made it to the top of that list. The main push for making site speed a priority came from our SEO team.

Guest Author
August 23, 2011 | Conversion Rates

Google AdWords Topic Targeting: What Is AdWords Topic Targeting & When Should You Use It?

Last week we pointed out that Google Display Ads have been the subject of a lot of Google marketing and advertising attention recently, and of course there is a lot of opportunity on the content network in many verticals.

Learn Google AdWords – Learning AdWords Best Practices from Great Sources

New to AdWords? Learn five great resources that make understanding Google AdWords easy. Discover the resources to make your campaign successful!

Google Ads Express Review: Is AdWords Express Right for You?

Is AdWords Express right for you? This in-depth review of Google AdWords Express examines whether it's a good idea for a small business advertiser.

How to Do SEO for Magento eCommerce Software

Magento eCommerce Software is one of the most popular business e-commerce tools. Like any other web platform, Magento can and should be managed to obtain SEO (search engine optimization).

5 Low-Budget Ways to Distribute Your Blog Content

Here are five easy, low-cost ways to distribute your blog content for greater readership and link building.

Where’s Mesothelioma, What Is Cord Blood & Other FAQs About Our Most Expensive Keywords Study

Earlier this week we released a study that revealed the 20 most expensive, high-search-volume keyword categories to provide some insight into where Google makes all its billions in ad revenues, as well as tips on how to target super-competitive keyword verticals.