Featured Article

10 Ways to Improve Your Social Signals for SEO

Are social signals a Google ranking factor? Definitely maybe.


Running an AdWords Campaign in a Competitive Local Market

Learn why you need to set up at least two different PPC campaigns if you're running an AdWords campaign in a competitive local market.

The Return of Pimp Your PPC Ad: Lessons from Bad PPC Ads

Don't let bad PPC copywriting happen to you! Learn from others' failures in this edition of Pimp Your PPC Ad.

Quora SEO: How to Use Quora if You’re an SEO

Does Quora offer any search engine optimization value? Learn how you can use Quora for SEO in this detailed guide.

Tom Demers
March 24, 2011 | SEO

Quick Tips for Managing Multiple AdWords Accounts

Do you manage multiple Google AdWords accounts? Here are some tips for keeping all your PPC campaigns under control.

PPC Ad Writing Tips from the Experts: An Interview with BoostCTR

Learn how to write PPC ads that get high click-through rates, how to do split-testing for PPC ads and more from the experts at BoostCTR.

Link Roundup: Online Marketing Highlights of the Week

DIYSEO offers 101 "easy, low-cost" SEO tips for time- and budget-strapped SMB marketers. This is a quick read and good overview of all the little basic things that small businesses should be doing on their websites and blogs.

Quick Guide to AdWords Automated Rules

Learn how to use Automated Rules, a new feature in Google AdWords, which can save you lots of time in managing your PPC campaigns.

Quality Traffic Sources That Aren’t Google or Bing: 2nd Tier Search Engines & Networks

Learn about the top second-tier search engines and networks that deliver quality traffic and leads but cost less than Google or Bing.

Fighting Cross-Campaign Ad Poaching with Negative Keyword Lists

Learn how to use negative keyword lists in Google AdWords to prevent broad match ad poaching across your PPC campaigns.

The Signaling Theory of Marketing: What Your Actions Say About Your Business

Signaling theory posits that the purpose of most human behavior is to signal value and status to others. How is marketing like signaling?

Elisa Gabbert
February 25, 2011 | Marketing Ideas

Newly Released Google AdWords Optimize for Conversions Ad Setting Now LIVE: What Does it Mean for Your AdWords Campaigns?

Learn how to use the AdWords optimize for conversions setting for your ads: and whether it's right for your campaigns.

Tom Demers
February 24, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

Visualizing Link Flow Within a Site

Learn how to visualize link flow in your website using simple free tools including Xenu and GraphViz.

Guest Author
February 23, 2011 | SEO

How to Build a Blogger Outreach Campaign, Part 2

Read Part 2 of our guide to conducting a blogger outreach campaign, covering follow-through and the ROI question.

Guest Author
February 22, 2011 | Content Marketing

Acting on Good Advice: Using Symbols to Get an 89% Lift in Conversions

Adding symbols to your PPC ads can raise click-through rates (CTR) dramatically -- by 89% in one PPC ad test.

Google Personal Blocklist Helps Users Defeat Spammy Link Farms

Google Personal Blocklist is a Chrome Extension designed to help users keep SEO spam such as content link farms out of their Google search results.

Larry Kim
February 14, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

A Dead-Simple Google Ads Certification Guide: Costs, Tips & Tricks for Google Certification

Looking for a simple, straight-forward guide to Google AdWords certification? You found it: learn all about the costs of the exam, test requirements, plus plenty of study tips to help you pass the Google certification exam with ease!

Tom Demers
February 10, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

AdWords Releases Super-Sized Ad Text Headlines

A new AdWords ad text headline format may display twice as much information as before, combining both your headline and description line 1 field into one big headline.

Larry Kim
February 9, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

Link Building 101: 5 Simple Ways to Build Links that Have Authority AND Great Anchor Text

Link building 101: Here are five quick and easy tips for building trusted, targeted links to your website.

Tom Demers
January 27, 2011 | SEO

Analyzing Your AdWords Geographic Report Using Tableau

Learn how to use Tableau business intelligence and data visualization software to analyze your Geographic Report in Google AdWords.

Custom Reports vs. Advanced Segments in Google Analytics: What’s the Difference?

In Google Analytics, what's the difference between a custom report and an advanced segment? Learn the differences here.

Tom Demers
January 20, 2011 | Reporting & Analysis

AdWords Changing Format of Display URL

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Google AdWords display URL.

Larry Kim
January 19, 2011 | Paid Search Marketing

10 PPC New Year’s Resolutions for 2011

This year, PPC advertisers should resolve to test more and take advantage of helpful AdWords tools and features.

Informational Keywords & the Buying Cycle: Targeting Early-Stage Keywords via SEO

Informational keywords are a great tool for capturing different types of traffic on less competitive keywords. Learn how to effectively target them.

Tom Demers
January 3, 2011 | SEO

PPC VLOOKUP: How to Use VLOOKUP for Paid-Per-Click Marketing

VLOOKUP for PPC is a great tactic for comparing PPC data in Excel: learn more about PPC & VLOOKUP in this guide.

Tom Demers
December 30, 2010 | Paid Search Marketing

AdWords for Beginners – Explaining Pay-Per Click (PPC) to Clients & Novices

Explaining PPC can be a difficult process - this post outlines how best to explain and sell pay-per click to clients and managers.

Tom Demers
December 27, 2010 | Paid Search Marketing

Quick and Dirty Google Analytics Custom Reports, Part 2

Google Analytics custom reports can get you to some great data quickly: learn how to segment data by content type in this report.

Tom Demers
December 21, 2010 | SEO