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10 Ways to Improve Your Social Signals for SEO

Are social signals a Google ranking factor? Definitely maybe.


Exporting AdWords Campaign Experiments: How to Report on ACE

AdWords Campaign Experiments are very difficult to export data from or run a report against. This post shows you how to get great data in a few easy steps.

Tom Demers
December 16, 2010 | Reporting & Analysis

Why Did My AdWords Account Get Suspended?

Did your Google AdWords account get suspended? Learn why Google may have found your site in violation of its terms of service.

Advanced Search Query Mining Part 5: Acting on Your Insights

In the final post of our Advanced Search Query Mining series, learn how to act on the insights you've gathered. Bonus: Free Excel download.

How to Build a Killer Local AdWords Keyword List with the Best Local PPC Keyword Tool Ever

This post outlines how to do local keyword research, and how to get actual, actionable local keyword data for your small business.

Advanced Search Query Mining Part 4: Mining Your Data for Insights

Learn how to analyze your data to find negative keyword candidates in the next installment of our series on advanced search query mining.

Why the AdWords Opportunities Tab Is a Great Opportunity … for Google

The AdWords opportunities tab offers some valuable functionality but also helps Google grow its profits: learn how to tell which features can help you in this guide.

Tom Demers
November 29, 2010 | Paid Search Marketing

Advanced Search Query Mining Part 3: Preparing Your Data

Learn in detail how to set up your data for analysis in Part 3 of our Guide to Advanced Search Query Mining for PPC.

AdWords Campaign Experiments (ACE): How to Use ACE to Optimize Your Paid Search Campaigns

AdWords campaign experiments (ACE) can be a powerful tool: learn how to leverage the feature for better optimized Google AdWords campaigns.

Tom Demers
November 23, 2010 | Paid Search Marketing

Real Life Link Building: Three Real Relationships You Can Turn Into Virtual Votes

Real life relationships can mean great, difficult-to-replicate links for SEO. This blog post offers specific examples and best practices.

Tom Demers
November 18, 2010 | SEO

PPC Geotargeting Guide: How to Make the Most of Google Ads Geotargeting

An in-depth, step-by-step guide to effectively creating geo-targeted PPC campaigns with Google AdWords.

Tom Demers
November 15, 2010 | Paid Search Marketing

Advanced Search Query Mining Part 1: The Power of Search Queries

If you are bidding on broad match keywords and ignoring your search queries, you are definitely wasting money. Learn how search query mining can maximize ROI.

Semantic Analysis for SEO: Going Beyond LDA

Learn how to use semantic analysis techniques to improve on-page SEO factors in this guest post from information retrieval expert David Harry.

Guest Author
November 9, 2010 | SEO

Google’s Broad Match Modifier: Who Should Use It, Why, and How

Modified broad match is a way to refine your standard broad match keywords for tighter targeting and control over your ad spend. Learn who should be using Google's new broad match modifier feature in AdWords and how to employ it.

Complete Guide to AdWords Matching Options, Part 2

Learn how to use the exact match, phrase match and negative keyword matching options in Google AdWords.

Complete Guide to AdWords Matching Options, Part 1

Learn how to use Google AdWords keyword match types to your best advantage. Part 1 focuses on broad match and modified broad match.

Headline Writing for PPC Ads: Dos and Don’ts

The headline is the most important part of your pay-per-click ad. Learn what to do and what not to do when writing headlines for PPC.

Elisa Gabbert
October 21, 2010 | Copywriting

The Problem with Footer Links in SEO

Not all links are created equal! Learn why footer links can harm both the linking site and the site being linked to.

Guest Author
October 20, 2010 | SEO

Blog Strategies: How to Build Relationships with Bloggers

I've been blogging now for a little over three years now, and one of the important lessons I've learned during that time is that, to have a successful blog, you need to build relationships with other bloggers.

Ken Lyons
October 14, 2010 | Content Marketing

Keyword Research for Email Marketing

Learn how you can use keyword research to write better, more persuasive email marketing messages.

High-volume keywords vs. low-volume keywords

Learn the difference between high-volume and low-volume keywords and the pros and cons of each.

Seven Unusual, Eye-Catching Calls to Action

Don't resort to a generic, pushy call to action like BUY NOW in your PPC ad. Here are 7 more creative ideas for the CTA.

Elisa Gabbert
September 29, 2010 | Copywriting

Case Study: How a Change to the ‘About Us’ Page Raised Conversion Rates by 13%

Learn how changing the language on the About Us page helped one company raise conversion rates by 13% overnight.

Guest Author
September 28, 2010 | Conversion Rates

PPC Ad Testing to Maximize Conversions

To maximize total number of conversions on your site, you will need to look at Impressions to Conversions, a metric that considers both CTR and CVR.

Chad Summerhill
September 15, 2010 | Conversion Rates

Google Instant: Told Via Search Story

What is Google Instant? A video on Google instant and the typical searcher's journey to understanding the new feature.

Tom Demers
September 9, 2010 | Paid Search Marketing

Link Building Magic: How to Turn Citations into Links

One of the ways I snag some easy link wins is by turning citations into links. Of all the daily link building tactics I engage in, this is probably one of the best ROI producers. You see, at WordStream, we get cited dozens of times each day across the Web.

Ken Lyons
September 9, 2010 | SEO

Using Enhanced CPC and Third-Party Bid Management

Learn the benefits of using bid management software along with Google's new Enhanced CPC to lower your bids and cost per click.