Google AdWords Settings: The Ultimate Guide to the AdWords Settings Tab

Tom Demers
Last Updated: November 18, 2021 | Paid Search Marketing
HomeBlogGoogle AdWords Settings: The Ultimate Guide to the AdWords Settings Tab

Over the past few months we’ve been walking through several areas within the AdWords interface in great depth. We started with Google AdWords Ad Extensions and most recently wrapped up a series of posts on Google AdWords Reporting with the Dimensions Tab.

This will be the first in a series of posts about AdWords campaign settings:

AdWords Settings

As with each of these series, the main objective here is to help AdWords advertisers better navigate the increasingly confusing AdWords interface, and also to be able to help impart best practices for setting up your AdWords campaigns. If you can’t wait for the individual posts in the series and want a quick AdWords campaign audit as to whether you’re adhering to best practices within your AdWords campaign, WordStream has a free performance grader which will tell you if your campaign settings are suboptimal.

If you’re willing to wait, though, here is what we’ll cover in the coming weeks:

  • General – How should you name and organize your campaigns?
  • Locations and Languages – Best practices and more information about how the locations and language settings work within AdWords.
  • Networks and Devices – How to segment and focus your campaign by network and by device.
  • Bidding and Budget – What do the bidding and budget options mean, and when would you want to use the different settings available?
  • Ad Extensions – Check out our comprehensive guide to ad extensions for more information on when and how to use each option.
  • Advanced Settings – We’ll walk through each of the advanced settings available within the campaign settings tab.

In addition to the nuts and bolts of how and where to edit these campaign settings, each post will offer specific advice for which settings work best with which campaigns. If you have any specific questions or areas of interest regarding AdWords campaign settings (either how to change something or just general best practices) leave a comment and we’ll try to address your question in the series!

Meet The Author

Tom Demers

Tom Demers is Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Measured SEM and Cornerstone Content.

See other posts by Tom Demers

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