Asi Dayan

Asi Dayan

Asi Dayan is passionate about growth, content and performance marketing with vast experience in both B2B and B2C companies. He loves helping other marketers get more out of their budget and sharing all his tips and tricks from his vast experience.

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4 Practical Ways to Use AI in Marketing (& Why You Need To)

It's 2021 and AI marketing is no longer too advanced for any business. Learn four practical ways to use AI in marketing to cut costs, save time, hit your goals, and drive revenue.

4 Killer Google Ads Optimizations to Stretch Your Budget Further

This post covers four lesser-known Google Ads optimizations to help you get the most out of every dollar you spend, especially on a tight budget. You'll learn how (and why) to Nnix the vanity metrics, rely on ITC column, add more exact-match keywords, use In-Market Segments, and more.

I Spent $4M on Google Ads – Here Were My 5 Biggest Mistakes

After ten years and millions of dollars, we've learned a lot about how to do Google Ads right! Here were our six worst budget-burning Google Ads mistakes so you can avoid them.

7 Facebook Retargeting Tactics You Must Try

Facebook retargeting enables advertisers to turn site visitors into converted users. But there’s much more to retargeting than just showing the same generic ads to all your past site visitors. Level up with these seven super effective tips!

4 Ways to Make Facebook & Google Ads Work Better Together

Still thinking in terms of Google versus Facebook? You should be thinking in terms of Google PLUS Facebook instead! Learn four ways these two networks can work together to get you better results from your ad campaigns.

5 Seriously Underused Paid Search Strategies

AdWords is one of the best ways to raise brand awareness and acquire new users, but it can be tricky. In this article, Asi Dayan outlines five effective paid search strategies that most advertisers tend to overlook.

8 Common Facebook Ad Myths, Debunked

Advertising on Facebook is among the best ways to get traffic and acquire users, and absolutely anyone can do it. Having spent over $3M on Facebook ads, I can say that some of the common beliefs about Facebook ads are simply myths which were completely crushed by my campaigns’ results. Here are the eight most common myths about Facebook advertising that you should stop believing immediately.