Bobby Kittredge

Bobby Kittredge

Bobby is the associate director of the Agency Customer Success team at WordStream. He lives in Colorado and loves skiing, but recently he’s mostly been doing yard work.

HomeBlogBobby Kittredge

3 Prospecting Strategies for Rebuilding Your Portfolio During COVID-19

If your digital marketing agency has lost clients or spend under management, it's time to start rebuilding your portfolio. Here are three key strategies for prospecting during COVID-19: focusing on industries with increased volume, targeting locations, and timing your outreach right.

5 Key Strategies for Client Communication During COVID-19

Here are five fundamental, data-backed talking points that we’ve found effective working with clients during COVID-19, including talking about PPC rebounding data, setting expectations for reactivating, and more!

How to Get Your Piece of the Search Impression Share Pie

Learn all about search impression share in AdWords: why it's important, what it means for your account, and what to do when you're losing impression share to budget or rank.

The Last Guide to Google Ads Account Structure You’ll Ever Need

Your Google Ads account is like a house: It needs a great foundation and a well-built design. Wondering how to structure your Google Ads campaigns for success? Look no further! This is the last guide to Google Ads account structure you'll never need.