HomeConversion Rate: What Is a Conversion Rate?

Conversion Rate: What Is a Conversion Rate?

Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website that complete a desired goal (a conversion) out of the total number of visitors. A high conversion rate is indicative of successful marketing and web design: It means people want what you’re offering, and they’re easily able to get it!

What’s a good conversion rate?

Conversion rates vary widely by industry and business model. You can head to our conversion rate benchmarks to learn average conversion rates for Google Search, Display, Shopping, Facebook, and more.


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How to improve your conversion rate

Raising your conversion rate means that more of your site traffic converts to meaningful actions that grow your business, whether that means filling out a form to become a lead (for example, requesting a quote for a repair service) or making a purchase.

A low conversion rate could point to either of these problems:

  • Your site and landing page design is making it difficult or inefficient to complete tasks
  • Your offer is off base (too expensive or not valuable enough to your audience)

Let’s talk about how to fix both of these problems.

First, consider your offer

The absolute best way to improve your conversion rate is to change your offer. If what you’re offering is truly irresistible, more people who visit your site will want to get it.

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For example, WordStream was able to raise conversion rates significantly by creating the free Google Ads Performance Grader, a tool that delivers a complete Google Ads audit instantly. There’s so much value, people can’t help but convert.

Second, optimize your site for conversions

Once you’re sure that your offer is right for your audience, you can make incremental improvements to your conversion rate by optimizing your site. Below are some basic conversion rate optimization tips:

  • A/B test different elements on your page to see which variation drives more conversions
  • Make sure your headline clearly communicates your value proposition
  • Try enlarging the site of your button or using a high-contrast color
  • Keep important page elements (like forms and buttons) above the fold
  • Use a strong call to action (CTA) that entices people to act
  • Use only high-quality product images
  • Consider adding a video to your landing page
  • Make sure that your site and landing pages perform well on mobile devices
  • Make it easy for potential customers to reach you via chat or phone
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For more help, check out these additional resources:

wordstream google ads performance grader

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