Dan Shewan

Dan Shewan

Originally from the U.K., Dan Shewan is a journalist and web content specialist who now lives and writes in New England. Dan’s work has appeared in a wide range of publications in print and online, including The Guardian, The Daily Beast, Pacific Standard magazine, The Independent, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and many other outlets.

HomeBlogDan Shewan

How to Do a SWOT Analysis (With Examples & Free Template!)

Conducting a SWOT analysis can make a huge impact on the success of your next project. Learn how to do a SWOT analysis for your company or business in this guide.

Ambush Marketing: What It Is & Why It Works

You've probably seen ambush marketing in action - but what is it, and why do so many brands risk getting into trouble by doing it? Let's explore the wild world of ambush marketing, with examples and tips for making it work.

5 Creative Ways to Find Things to Write About

For busy writers and content marketers, finding things to write about can be a real challenge. In this post, you'll learn five ways to beat writers' block and come up with new things to write about, including tips on how to get content ideas using keyword tools and topic generators.

Epic Instagram Captions, SEO Survival Tips & More Top Stories from February

Catch up with the 10 most popular posts from the WordStream blog in February in this month's round-up.

Pain Points: A Guide to Finding & Solving Your Customers’ Problems

Learn everything you need to know about discovering your customer pain points and putting them to work.

How to Save the World with Cause-Related Marketing (+6 Examples)

Many of the most effective marketing campaigns share a philanthropic angle. Learn how to leverage cause-related marketing techniques to raise awareness for worthy causes and nonprofits working to make a difference. Includes tons of real-world examples to inspire your campaigns.

Big Changes to Google Ads, Facebook, & More Top Stories from January

2018 is off to an incredible start in the world of digital marketing, and there were plenty of eventful announcements to contend with this month. Catch up with the 10 most popular posts of the WordStream blog in this month's round-up.

Social Media Crisis Management: A Guide to Staying Calm Under Pressure

Social media crisis management is essential if companies want to succeed, so why do so many companies fail when things go wrong on social? Find out everything you need to know about managing a social media crisis (and see examples of some of the worst).

Hyperlocal Marketing: What It Is, Why It Works, & How to Do It Right

Learn everything you need to know about hyperlocal marketing in this comprehensive guide, including how to set up hyperlocal campaigns in AdWords and Facebook Ads.