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Popular Keyword – Human Resources Keywords

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Human Resources Firm Marketing Tips and Tricks

One of the core running jokes on the U.S. version of The Office is Michael Scott’s disdain for the sole HR representative in the office, Toby Flenderson. Ostensibly, Toby functions as Michael’s dramatic foil, constantly intervening in his boss’ antics to make sure nothing inappropriate takes place and makes its way back to corporate. Effectively, the ongoing conflict between the care-free Michael and the law-abiding Toby paints HR as a job for buzzkills.

We know this is untrue, of course. Human resource departments are essential to the functionality of workplaces, taking care of everything from paychecks and benefits to labor laws and employee standards. When it comes to choosing an HR firm, businesses need to be selective.

So, we’re here to provide your HR firm with our best online advertising wisdom and help you get the most out of your marketing budget.

Like we said—a business isn’t going to hire an HR firm without establishing a fair amount of trust. A great tactic to immediately gain the trust of a prospect is to run call-only ad campaigns. As you may have guessed, call-only ads hyperlink not to a landing page, but instead provide a phone number that directly connects the prospect with a member of your team. The landing page is sometimes referred to as the leakiest part of the funnel—the point of the purchasing journey at which you’re most at risk of losing a prospect. By giving a prospective customer direct access to a human representative, you increase your chances of winning them over and nurturing them closer to conversion.

As effective as call-only ads can be, it’s okay if you lack the personnel to pull it off. Another fantastic way to ease the doubts of a skeptical prospect is to include customer testimonial videos on your landing pages. When a prospective client sees that your HR firm has well served small businesses like her own, she’s far more likely to trust you. You can include videos of members of your own team, too. Attaching friendly faces to your brand is an effective way to build personality and demonstrate the personability of your employees.

Even the most outstanding of landing pages fail to convert every single prospect. In fact, the majority of businesses that click on your ad and visit your landing page are going to bounce without converting—at first. For an HR firm with a long sales cycle, remarketing is your marketing team’s best friend. Using the Google Display Network (GDN), your firm can employ your strongest banner ad creative and use it to target the prospects that have already visited your website. When they visit any of the millions of sites on the GDN, your remarketing prospects will be consistently exposed to your brand. So, when they sit down to make a final decision about which HR firm they’re going to bring on board, you’re the first to come to mind.

Some advertisers are skeptical of GDN remarketing, and that’s fair—Display ads drive fewer clicks and conversions than do Search ads. The difference is that, whereas Search ads target prospects when they show commercial intent, Display ads target them no matter what they’re doing. Enter RLSA: remarketing lists for search ads. RLSA enables your HR firm to increase your bid on a specific keyword when one of your remarketing prospects includes it in a search query. So, when a business that has looked into your services returns to Google and searches “HR consulting for small business,” you can ramp up your bid and secure the top ad spot.

For further online advertising advice, read the WordStream blog.

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