Introducing The Marketer’s Toolkit: Everything You Need to Create Persuasive, High-Converting Marketing Campaigns

Guest Author
Last Updated: January 18, 2022 | Marketing Ideas
HomeBlogIntroducing The Marketer’s Toolkit: Everything You Need to Create Persuasive, High-Converting Marketing Campaigns

The very nature of digital marketing means that today’s marketers must be jacks-of-all-trades. From setting up campaigns and integrating automation to managing numerous paid acquisition channels and tracking conversions, there are literally dozens of tools that digital marketers have to master if their campaigns are to succeed – but which ones are the most useful?

To make your life easier and give you everything you need to create high-performance marketing campaigns, we are proud to introduce The Marketer’s Toolkit. Created and hosted by Unbounce, The Marketer’s Toolkit is an amazing offer that WordStream is thrilled to be a part of.

The Marketer's Toolkit logos


This single resource has all the tools you need to master every aspect of your digital marketing campaigns. Each of the nine tools in The Marketer’s Toolkit will help you maximize your return on investment and let you focus on growing your business.

Visitors can try every tool in The Marketer’s Toolkit completely free and receive special offers that are unavailable anywhere else, making it an invaluable opportunity to improve your digital marketing workflows and save money.

The Marketer’s Toolkit includes incredible offers from:


AWeber logo


AWeber makes email management easy every step of the way. From setting up newsletter registration pages and managing subscriber lists to handling autoresponder messages and tracking performance, AWeber makes managing email simple. To see how small businesses can use AWeber, check out this post that proves email marketing is effective when done right.


Hootsuite logo


When it comes to social media management, Hootsuite is the king of the hill. Some of the world’s largest and best-known brands trust Hootsuite to handle their multichannel social campaigns, including H&M, Gap, UPS, Porsche, Tiffany & Co., eBay, and IBM, to name but a few.


HubSpot logo


The kings of inbound marketing, everybody loves HubSpot. Their integrated inbound marketing platform offers a wealth of tools to manage your inbound campaigns at every stage of the funnel. Take control of your blogging, social, and SEO efforts, manage landing pages and email campaigns, and quantify everything with in-depth analytics and CRM integration.


KISSmetrics logo


In today’s competitive digital world, it’s not enough to merely rely on Google Analytics for insight into your campaigns – you have to know more about the people you’re targeting. KISSmetrics goes beyond Google Analytics’ cold, faceless numbers to provide invaluable insights into the “who” behind the data, offering you actionable information on how to leverage a deeper understanding of your users.


Moz logo


Nobody knows SEO like Moz, and their extensive range of software tools can help you optimize your site like a pro. From cleaning up your link profile and managing your local search presence to identifying website errors and finding new optimization opportunities, Moz does it all. An indispensable part of any digital marketer’s arsenal.


Optimizely logo


Conversion rate optimization is no longer just a niche area of interest for data geeks – it’s an essential part of digital marketing. With so much data at your disposal, there’s no excuse for making business decisions based on assumptions, and with Optimizely, you don’t have to. Optimizely allows you to test virtually every aspect of your website to increase conversions, and features an intuitive user interface and dedicated technical support.


Unbounce logo


If you’re a regular WordStream reader, you’ll know how often we talk about optimizing landing pages. Unbounce allows you to build, publish, and test landing pages for your campaigns quickly and easily. Well-designed landing pages are crucial to increasing your marketing ROI, and Unbounce can help you get started.


Wistia logo


Most people use either YouTube or Vimeo for hosting their marketing videos, but neither solution was built with marketers in mind. Fortunately, the folks at Wistia understand the unique needs of marketers, and offer video hosting solutions to suit a wide range of businesses and videos. In addition, Wistia can help you find a professional video production company, as well as a variety of learning resources about video. An essential partner for any video content producer.


WordStream logo


Last, but by no means least, WordStream is a comprehensive paid search management platform that makes online advertising easy. Manage Google AdWords and Microsoft Bing PPC campaigns from our centralized dashboard, create dedicated alerts based on your business objectives, and increase your ROI while reducing wasted spend.

To get started with any of these nine tools, simply visit The Marketer’s Toolkit website and select the offer that appeals to you.

As an added incentive to spread the word about this remarkable toolkit, you could win a year’s free access to AWeber, KISSmetrics, Moz, Unbounce, Wistia AND WordStream simply by sharing the page on Twitter using the hashtag #marketerstoolkit.

So what are you waiting for? Check out The Marketer’s Toolkit today and get a greater return on your digital marketing investment with the best tools from the brightest minds in the business.

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Guest Author

WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.

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