HomePPC Tools: Try WordStream’s PPC Tools Free

PPC Tools: Try WordStream’s PPC Tools Free

Advertisers and digital marketers have more tools at their disposal than ever before. However, with a greater range of tools comes the necessity of knowing which tools to use in specific situations.

WordStream’s suite of free PPC tools can help you with every aspect of your paid search workflow. Whatever your online advertising needs, WordStream’s range of free PPC tools can help.

The AdWords PPC Performance Grader Tool

Although the barriers to entry for online advertising have never been lower, there are more options available to PPC advertisers than ever before. This means that advertisers not only have to keep up with actually running their business and taking care of their customers, but that they also have to stay abreast of developments in the rapidly changing world of paid search.

For some advertisers, this is simply too much work, which results in wasted ad spend, poorly optimized accounts, and fewer leads and sales. The AdWords Performance Grader helps advertisers overcome these challenges by identifying new opportunities in PPC and optimizing advertisers’ accounts for greater ROI.


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In 60 seconds or less, the AdWords Performance Grader securely assesses the strengths and weaknesses of a PPC account before presenting the user with a detailed, step-by-step performance evaluation report.

This report is broken down across 10 key PPC metrics, such as Account Activity, Wasted Spend, Mobile Optimization, and Impression Share. The intuitive, color-coded report provides everything advertisers need to know in order to optimize their account and see greater returns from their advertising investment.


Advertise on Google AdWords Performance Grader Impression Share


No other free PPC tool provides as accurate and comprehensive a PPC audit as WordStream’s AdWords Performance Grader. Grade your account now and identify profitable new opportunities for free.

PPC Keyword Tools

Evaluating and optimizing your account are only the first steps in an ongoing process. WordStream also offers free PPC keyword tools that can help you find new keywords to add to your PPC campaigns, as well as a negative keyword tool to help save you money.

WordStream’s Free Keyword Suggestion Tool

For those new to the world of paid search, knowing precisely where to begin is often among the greatest challenges. Identifying profitable keywords is an ongoing process, and WordStream’s free Keyword Suggestion Tool can help you quickly and easily begin your keyword research.

Simply enter a keyword relevant to your business into the Keyword Suggestion Tool to get started:



Next, you’ll be presented with a range of keyword data, from relevant keyword suggestions to their estimated search volume in Google AdWords. You can use the data from the Keyword Suggestion Tool as the foundational basis of your keyword research, or as a quick and easy way to come up with new ideas for established accounts and campaigns.



Try WordStream’s free Keyword Suggestion Tool today to see how easy keyword research can be with WordStream. We also offer a resource on keyword grouping to help you sort your keywords into meaningful clusters.

Using negative keywords

Just as building a solid list of relevant, potentially high-performing keywords is essential to the success of any PPC campaign, so too is making use of negative keyword lists. Negative keywords tell Google AdWords and Bing Ads which search terms are not relevant to your business, and should be excluded from your campaigns to avoid wasted spend.

WordStream negative keyword tool results

Many advertisers overlook the crucial importance that negative keywords play in PPC. Stop wasting money on irrelevant search terms and start seeing greater ROI from your campaigns.

WordStream Advisor – The Ultimate PPC Management Tool

PPC management can be complex and time-consuming, even for the most seasoned paid search professional. For small-business owners and those new to PPC, however, managing a PPC campaign can quickly become a second full-time job. That’s why WordStream Advisor is trusted by thousands of small- to medium-sized businesses to manage their paid search and paid social advertising campaigns.

WordStream Advisor, our comprehensive pay-per-click campaign management platform, is the most intuitive, responsive PPC tool built for businesses of all sizes.


WordStream Advisor 20 Minute PPC Work Week

WordStream Advisor makes pay-per-click campaign management easy. Our proprietary 20-Minute Work Week allows you to quickly identify areas of your account that require immediate attention, take action based on personalized alerts and individualized performance recommendations, and track results over time.

In addition to your paid search campaigns, you can also manage your Facebook advertising initiatives through WordStream Advisor, making it the most fully featured online advertising platform available today. No other paid search management platform makes advertising with Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook ads as easy or simple as WordStream Advisor.

Start your free, no-obligation trial of WordStream Advisor today.

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