HomeViral Marketing: How Psy Beat Justin Bieber – The Top Most Popular YouTube Viral Video Ever

Viral Marketing: How Psy Beat Justin Bieber – The Top Most Popular YouTube Viral Video Ever

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  • Never say never @justinbieber you’ve been beat on YouTube – @psy_oppa takes over #1 YouTube video with +804M views ≫ Tweet This ≪
  • Tweets from @joshgroban, @katyperry, @tpain helped @psy_oppa ‘s Gangnam Style the most viral video of all time! ≫ Tweet This ≪
  • w/ help from @BritneySpears @TheEllenShow @ChelseaLately @MCHammer Gangnam Style is today #1 most viewed YouTube Video ≫ Tweet This ≪
  • Gangnam Style is now the #1 Most Viewed YouTube video Ever! But is @psy_oppa just a one trick pony? ≫ Tweet This ≪
  • #Beliebers worldwide are mourning today as @JustinBieber Baby loses out to @psy_oppa Gangnam Style on YouTube! ≫ Tweet This ≪

Who was the Champion: Justin Bieber or Psy?

We chose Psy’s “Gangam Style” as the winner of the Most Viral Video of All Time, but it’s yet to be seen if Psy can hold on to his title.

How Were Bieber and Psy Graded?

We graded Justin Bieber and Psy on several criteria: social media exposure,  celebrity exposure, and staying power/strength of fandom.

Why is “Gangnam Style” So Popular?

Different people attribute the success of “Gangam Style” to different factors. Some say the dance’s easy silly yet easy to imitate moves are what have set the video apart. Others say that it’s Psy’s unique style and image that sets him apart, and that people like that he isn’t the stereotypical celebrity star.

Who Has the Most Twitter Followers?

Justin Bieber has the most Twitter followers.

How Many Twitter Followers Does Psy Have?

Psy has 1.2 million Twitter followers.

How Many Twitter Followers Does Justin Bieber Have?

Justin Bieber has 30.2 million Twitter followers.

How did “Gangnam Style” Get Popular So Quickly?

Many people attribute the unprecedented virality of “Gangnam Style” to early and enthusiastic celebrity endorsement and attention.

Is Psy Popular Outside of Gangnam Style?

Psy is very popular in Korea for various songs, and was well known even before “Gangnam Style.” Whether the rest of the world will continue to pay tribute to Psy’s future musical endeavors has yet to be seen.

Which Celebrities Tweet About Justin Bieber?

Many celebrities tweet about Justin Bieber, some of which include: Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, and Oprah Winfrey.

Which Celebrities Tweeted About Psy and “Gangnam Style”?

Psy’s “Gangnam Style” gotten a lot of attention from celebrity tweeters, such as: T-Pain, Britney Spears, Josh Groban, and Katy Perry.

Why is Celebrity Support So Important?

Celebrity support is important for up and coming artists because just one tweet from a single celebrity with a strong following immediately gets the attention of hundreds and thousands of people on Twitter. One tweet can change a musician’s life!

Who Has a Stronger Fan Base ? Bieber or Psy?

Justin Bieber has the stronger fan base than Psy ? firstly, because Bieber has been in the lime light significantly longer, and he has a very dedicated following of tweens who follow his every tweet with intense obsession. These fans have no limit on their love of Bieber. On the other hand, the majority of Psy’s supporters love the “Gangnam Style” video, but don’t necessarily have a strong devotion to Psy himself.

How Many Videos Does Justin Bieber Have on YouTube?

Justin Bieber has 60 videos uploaded to YouTube.

How Many Videos Does Psy Have on YouTube?

Psy has 32 video uploaded to YouTube.

How Does a Video Go Viral?

While it’s hard to say for sure what makes a video go viral, in showcasing and discussing the top ten YouTube videos of all time, we discovered that the videos that end up going viral follow a similar structure. Viral videos often are the ones that encourage parodies, are unusually odd/funny, have great music beats (in the case of music videos), and often gain traction with the help of a celebrity tweet.

How Can I Make a Viral Video?

The recipe for creating a viral video is one that has long been sought after. Unfortunately, there is no one key ingredient that guarantees a viral video – that would be far too easy (and no fun!) However, examining the YouTube videos that go viral shows us that most often, the videos that go viral rely heavily on an element of humor – the usual product introduction won’t cut it.

Another great approach is to create instructional, how-to videos. These videos don’t really “go viral” in that they won’t skyrocket into popularity and then dip back down – instead, how-to videos will reliably bring in a steady amount of traffic for a long period of time (the video equivalent of evergreen content). For more information, check out our guide on Creating Popular Marketing YouTube Videos.

Why is the “Gangnam Style” Dance So Popular?

The “Gangnam Style” dance, described by many has the “horse dance,” is popular for a number of reasons. For one, it’s remarkably silly and unusual. The dance is also relatively simple, making it easy for viewers to imitate and enjoy.

Which Celebrities Have Done the “Gangnam Style” Dance?

Many celebrities have taken their shot at performing the “Gangnam Style” dance. Some of those celebrities include: Britney Spears, Ellen DeGeneres, Chelsea Lately, Heidi Klum, MC Hammer, Madonna, Bah Ki-Moon, Eric Schmidt, and Dwight Howard.

Will “Gangnam Style” Die Out, Or Continue Grow in Popularity?

It’s hard to say for sure if “Gangnam Style” will continue to grow in popularity or fade out, as viral videos often do. The enormous success of “Gangnam Style” is unprecedented – becoming the #1 YouTube Video Ever in such a short timeframe is the social media equivalent of a solar eclipse!  While it’s yet to be seen if “Gangnam Style” will survive the long haul, the song’s steady, ongoing growth has us believing it isn’t ready to throw in the towel quite yet.

When Will the “Gangnam Style” Video Hit One Billion Views?

We predicted that “Gangnam Style” would hit one billion views on approximately December 11, 2012. It now looks like that date could be pushed back, but it will certainly happen!

What Are the Top Ten Music Artists on YouTube?

The top ten music artists on YouTube are:

  1. Justin Bieber
  2. Rihanna
  3. Lady Gaga
  4. Eminem
  5. Shakira
  6. Beyonce
  7. Black Eyed Peas
  8. Chris Brown
  9. Pit Bull
  10. Jennifer Lopez

Which YouTube Music Artist Channel Has the Most Subscribers?

Rihanna’s YouTube Channel has the most subscribers, with 3.3 million.

Which YouTube Music Artist Channel Has the Most Video Views?

Justin Bieber has the most channel video views, amassing 3.09 billion video views.

Which YouTube Music Artist Channel Has the Most Videos Uploaded?

Shakira has the most uploaded YouTube videos, with 82 videos on YouTube.

What Are the Top Five Parodies of “Gangnam Style” ?

The top five parodies of “Gangnam Style” are:

  1. Deadpool vs. Gangnam Style by critiques4geeks
  2. “Minecraft Style” ? A Parody of PSY’s Gangnam Style (music video) by CaptainSparklez
  3. Gangnam Style Mom and Son! by TheEllenShow
  4. Gunmam Style ? Gangnam Style (Asian Western Parody) by Jervy Hou
  5. Mitt Romney Style (Gangnam Style Parody) by collegehumor

What are the Top Five Parodies of Justin Bieber’s “Baby”?

The top five parodies of Justin Bieber’s “Baby” are:

  1. Justin Bieber ? Baby ft. Ludacris official music video PARODY by qbanguy
  2. Baby ? Justin Bieber Parody by thecomputernerd01
  3. Justin Bieber “Baby” Parody ? I’m Just a Baby ft. Tay Zondayby davedays
  4. Baby Parody by keeptheheat
  5. Nerd Alert ? Banelings ? (Justin Bieber ? Baby PARODY) by HuskyStarcraft

How Long Has Justin Bieber’s “Baby” Been on YouTube’s Top Video Chart?

Justin Bieber’s “Baby” has been on YouTube’s Top Video Chart for 135 weeks. It was uploaded on April 25, 2010.

How Long Has Psy’s “Gangnam Style” Been on YouTube’s Top Video Chart?

Psy’s “Gangnam Style” has been on YouTube’s Top Video Chart for 19 weeks. It was uploaded to YouTube on July 15, 2012.

What is the Most Viral YouTube Video of All Time?

Psy’s “Gangnam Style” is the most viral YouTube video of all time!

How Many YouTube Views Does Psy’s “Gangnam Style Have?

Psy’s “Gangnam Style” has accumulated over 805 million views as of November 23, 2012, when this study was conducted.

How Many YouTube Views Does Justin Bieber’s “Baby” Have?

Justin Bieber’s “Baby” has accumulated 804 million views as of November 23, 2012, when this study was conducted.

How Many Views Per Minute Does “Gangnam Style” Get?

Every minute on YouTube, “Gangnam Style” gets 4,062 views.

How Many Likes Per Minute Does “Gangnam Style” Get?

Every minute on YouTube, “Gangnam Style” gets 29 likes.

How Many Dislikes Per Minute Does “Gangnam Style” Get?

Every minute on YouTube, “Gangnam Style” gets 1.7 dislikes.

How Many Comments Per Minute Does “Gangnam Style” Get?

Every minute on YouTube, “Gangnam Style” gets 16 comments.

How Many Views Per Minute Does “Baby” Get?

Every minute on YouTube, “Baby” gets 550 views.

How Many Likes Per Minute Does “Baby” Get?

Every minute on YouTube, “Baby” gets 1 like.

How Many Dislikes Per Minute Does “Baby” Get?

Every minute on YouTube, “Baby” gets 4.3 dislikes.

How Many Comments Per Minute Does “Baby” Get?

Every minute on YouTube, “Baby” gets 6 comments.

Which Vides Has More Likes?

“Gangnam Style” has more likes, with a total of 2,141,758 likes, making it the most liked video in YouTube history.

Which Video Has More Dislikes?

“Baby” has the most dislikes with 3,148,766 dislikes, making it the most disliked YouTube video of all time.



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