Jyll Saskin-Gales

Jyll Saskin Gales

Jyll Saskin Gales is a digital marketing consultant, coach and teacher. She worked at Google for 6 years, and is now a Marketing Mentor at The DMZ and Elevate, a Digital Marketing Instructor at Jelly Academy and her own Google Ads course, and a corporate trainer for businesses across industries and sizes. You can find her on TikTok @the_google_pro and Twitter @jyllsaskingales.

HomeBlogJyll Saskin Gales

How to Combat Costs With Google Ads Custom Segments

Learn how to wield the power of this underused Google Ads feature.

The Big, Easy Cheat Sheet to Google Ads Audience Targeting

Take your campaigns beyond keyword targeting—yes, even with search ads.

Google Ads Performance Max: 10 Dos, Don’ts, Watchouts & Workarounds

A PMax pro shares her top tips, from conversion tracking to creative, sneaky settings and more.

How to Advertise on YouTube in 10 Steps (+Pro Tips)

The all-in-one guide from a former Googler...tips, types, targeting, and more!