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Local Marketing

Learn local marketing tips and strategies to help your business succeed and grow! Our in-depth local marketing articles cover everything your local business needs to thrive, including local SEO, listings management and optimization, local PPC, optimizing your Google My Business account, ranking higher on Google maps, and raising brand awareness in your local market—plus tons of tips and ideas for getting more reviews, running local promotions and more!

8 Practical & Inspiring Tips for Minority-Owned Businesses

Discover minority business influencers, nonprofit grants, government resources, and more!

Mona Abboud
April 14, 2022 | Local Marketing

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Google Local Services Ads ROI Now

Are you bidding too low? Targeting too many markets? Find out with these small fixes that can make a big difference.

22 Ways to Ask for Reviews (With Copy/Paste Templates)

Learn how to ask for reviews—in person, via text, email, and more—with examples and copy/paste templates!

The 7 Best Local Business Marketing Resources Around (All Free!)

In this post, we've curated seven free marketing resources geared specifically for local businesses—covering everything from tactics and planning to trends and lifestyle tips. Even better, they come in a variety of mediums to suit different learning styles and time constraints.

How (+ When & Why) to Update Your Google Business Listing

This post covers why you should update your Google business listing, when to make these updates, and covers the steps for common edits and changes such as hours, phone number, categories, and attributes.

6 Ecommerce Tools to Bring Your Local Business Where Your Customers Are: Online

This post covers six tools that businesses with a physical location can use to deliver more of their services and transactions online, in the wake of COVID-19 and rapid shifts toward online consumer behavior.

Brett McHale
February 18, 2021 | Ecommerce Strategy

42 Powerful Local Marketing Ideas That Work (+Examples!)

This post provides 30 local marketing ideas to help you gain more exposure, build more trust, and attract more customers to your local business, broken down by advertising, local SEO, social media, email marketing, and community.

Kristen McCormick
December 15, 2020 | Local Marketing

4 Search Trends That Make Your Google Listing More Important than Ever

Google search is always changing, so as a local business, you need to stay on top of the trends and respond. Here are four major trends that affect the Google SERP, plus actionable tips you can take to keep your Google business listing optimized!

10 Expert Tips to Optimize Your Google Local Advertising

This post covers ten effective strategies to help you get the most out of Google Ads for your local business. We'll cover account structure, Google Tag Manager, keyword research, how to choose the best offers, optimizing your website, and more.

Brett McHale
November 4, 2020 | Local Marketing

16 Easy Ways to Get More Google Reviews (with Examples)

Google reviews should be a top priority for your local business. This post covers why they're so important and provides 17 ways to get more Google reviews, plus plenty of examples to help get you started.

Kristen McCormick
September 16, 2020 | Local Marketing

The 10 Best Ways to Rank Higher on Google Maps

Your Google Maps business listing can help you to stand out online and generate leads —for free! In this post, learn how to set up, optimize, and support your listing so that your business ranks higher on Google Maps and reaps all of the associated benefits.

Get Set Up for Google My Business Success with Our Free Grader

WordStream's free Google My Business Grader helps you to set up your Google Business Profile for maximum success. Learn how to use it to stand out in local search results and attract more customers, all for free!

How to Create & Verify Your Google My Business Account

Verifying ownership of your business on Google is crucial for increasing your local search visibility, but the process can be confusing. This post covers exactly what you need to do to create a Google My Business account and connect it with your listing on Google Maps and Search.

What Is Google My Business & Why Do I Need It?

If you want to turn your Google Business Profile into the powerful local SEO and marketing tool it is, you need to create a Google My Business account. This post will cover exactly what Google My Business is, how to use it to access and manage your profile on Google, and how to get started.

13 Essential Google My Business Optimizations to Rank Higher in Local Search

Use these Google My Business optimization strategies to turn your Google listing into a free customer acquisition tool for your local business. We'll cover best practices for every section including contact information, products, posts, photos, reviews, Q&A, description, and more!

8 Data-Driven Tips for Local Search Marketing

For local businesses, securing a spot on the first page of Google search results can be a challenge—but it can also be key to growing your business. Here are eight data-drive local marketing tips to help, including delivering quality content, getting creative with keyword targeting, and more!

Guest Author
December 13, 2019 | Local Marketing

5 High-Impact Lead Generation Strategies for Local Businesses

For local businesses, lead generation strategies have to be high-impact to move the needle. Here are five incredibly effective local lead generation strategies to try today, including Facebook lead ads, localized landing pages, and more!

Brad Smith
September 17, 2019 | Local Marketing

Local Business Advertising: 3 Ways to Grow in Your Market

Local business advertising presents a lot of unique challenges. Check out our blog post to learn new ways to advertise and grow your local business!

Conor Bond
March 21, 2019 | Local Marketing

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Local SEO Right Now

Local SEO is essential to smaller businesses that operate on a regional, as opposed to a national, level. Here, we share the top 10 ways you can improve your local SEO starting today.

Marc Schenker
October 12, 2018 | Local Marketing

4 Facebook Updates to Help You Market Your Local Business

Facebook has announced several updates to help small, local businesses with their online marketing efforts. We broke down everything you need to know to get your business noticed locally and online.

Conor Bond
August 8, 2018 | Local Marketing

The Easy Guide to Improving Your Google Business Profile

Considering 97% of consumers looked online for local businesses in 2017, it's time to learn exactly how to utilize the features within Google My Business to take your local SEO to the next level.

The Ultimate Guide to Google’s Local Service Ads

Learn how Google's newest search offering, Local Service Ads, caters to specific industries and shows potential customers trusted professionals in their area, appearing above traditional paid search ads.

Mark Irvine
June 11, 2018 | Local Marketing

Hyperlocal Marketing: What It Is, Why It Works, & How to Do It Right

Learn everything you need to know about hyperlocal marketing in this comprehensive guide, including how to set up hyperlocal campaigns in AdWords and Facebook Ads.

Dan Shewan
January 25, 2018 | Local Marketing

13 of Our Best Local Marketing Tips…Ever!

Marketing and advertising effectively as a local business can be hard. Check out WordStream's 13 best local marketing tips ever and get ready to rock the local SERP.

Dan Shewan
July 24, 2017 | Local Marketing

NEW Display Location Extensions & Ads: Drive More Local Business

Google just released new Display Location Extensions that allow advertisers to drive more local business by targeting mobile users while they browse the web or use apps.

Mark Irvine
March 14, 2017 | Local Marketing

3 Local Marketing Tips to Lock Up the Local SERP

Local search marketing can be difficult when you're trying to compete with bigger, international brands. So don't. Learn 3 techniques that will focus your local business marketing efforts on the most valuable prospects.

Allen Finn
November 2, 2016 | Local Marketing

4 Big Local Marketing Trends (+8 Ways to Adapt)

Some big new trends in social media, video marketing, mobile advertising and search are changing the game for local businesses. Find out how to stay ahead of the curve!

Guest Author
October 17, 2016 | Local Marketing