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Reporting & Analysis

You can’t make data-driven decisions without data! Level up your reporting and analysis skills with our collection of in-depth articles on marketing analytics, important marketing metrics and KPI’s you need to know, understanding attribution models and more. You’ll learn how to make sense of data and impress your boss or your client with smarter reports. Plus, you’ll find our best-in-class marketing and advertising benchmarks across top industries and marketing channels like Google and Facebook.

What’s a Good Click-Through Rate For …

Learn what a good click-through rate is for Google Ads, Facebook, email newsletters, and banner ads.

UA vs GA4: A Complete Tour of Google Analytics 4

GA4 is not to be feared. Learn the pros, cons, new features, and tips!

Google Universal Analytics Is Going Away: What You Need to Know

Find out what's changing and what you need to do (and what the heck Universal Analytics is, anyway).

How to Use the Google Ads Budget Report (+10 Can’t-Miss Budgeting Tricks)

Google Ads budgeting need not be a battle. Arm yourself with the Google Ads budget report and these smart tips.

Multi-Touch Attribution: Tips & Types, Which Model is Right?

Learn the pros and cons of each of the multi-touch attribution models in Google Ads, plus how to set up and track.

Susie Marino
November 15, 2021 | Reporting & Analysis

Every PPC Metric Under the Sun (+How to Improve Each & Every One)

In this complete guide to PPC metrics, get easy-to-understand definitions of 28 PPC metrics, learn how important they are, and get specific tips on how to improve each and every one.

NEW Advertising Benchmarks for Home Services in 2021

What's a good cost per click for home services ads? Find out average CPC, CPL, and CTR for home services search, display, and social ads in this advertising benchmarks report.

PPC Reporting Guide: How to Learn, Inform, & Impress With Your Data

In this complete guide, you'll learn not just what to put in a PPC report, but also: PPC reporting goals, tips, mistakes, tools, and strategies to produce attractive, accurate, and actional reports that help promote growth.

Susie Marino
September 7, 2021 | Reporting & Analysis

Facebook Ad Benchmarks for YOUR Industry

A lot has changed since we first released our Facebook ad benchmarks—that's why we've updated them for 2019. So what numbers do you need to compete in your industry for metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, and more? Find out!

Mark Irvine
November 12, 2019 | Reporting & Analysis

Conversion Rate Benchmarks: Find Out How YOUR Conversion Rate Compares

What's a good conversion rate? It depends on your industry and where you're advertising, but we've got the data! Check out these benchmarks for conversion rate and cost per conversion across Google Ads, Facebook, and Bing! Includes ecommerce and mobile data.

3 Data-Backed Insights from Our Latest Google Ads Benchmarks

Check out our top three data-backed insights this year’s Google Ads Benchmarks!

RIP Relevance Score: Facebook Introduces 3 New Metrics

Facebook says they'll sunset Relevance Score and replace it with three new metrics this spring. Find out why Facebook is doing this and why it's good news!

Google to Sunset Average Position: Here’s What It Means

Google Ads will sunset the average position metric in September 2019. What does it mean? Should you worry? Here's what the experts are saying about the average position metric going away.

Conor Bond
February 27, 2019 | Reporting & Analysis

How to Streamline Reporting with Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics

Figuring out the relationship between conversion tracking and website analytics can be tricky if you don't have the right set up. Here, we walk you through setting up Google Tag Manger and Google Analytics so that you can improve your paid channel performance reporting.

Brett McHale
February 12, 2019 | Reporting & Analysis

Understanding Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Return on ad spend, or ROAS, will show you not only what’s leading to conversions, but also the amount of revenue your conversion actions are generating. Learn why you need to optimize your account for ROAS and how to do it.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) vs. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (CLV) are two distinct yet equally pivotal metrics. In this post we discuss what CLV and CAC mean, how they’re important, how they differ, how they’re related, and how you can calculate each.

The Top 8 Social Media Metrics for Advertisers

If you’re running paid campaigns on social media, you need to be tracking these top social media metrics including engagement rate, CTR, conversions and more.

Google Mobile Benchmarks – by Ad Type! [DATA]

Curious if your mobile ads are performing well? Check out these new benchmarks for mobile ads across Google's ad networks – average CTR, average cost per click (CPC), average conversion rate (CVR), and average cost per action (CPA) across 10 different mobile ad types from search ads to video.

Elisa Gabbert
September 17, 2018 | Reporting & Analysis

Google Ads Mobile Benchmarks for YOUR Industry

Outflanking mobile competitors in Google Ads is more important than ever. What are the numbers you should be looking to beat? We dug into our data to find out! From average click-through rate to cost per click to conversion rate, check out Google Ads mobile benchmarks for YOUR industry.

5 Best Reporting Tools For Marketers & Advertisers

Many marketers and advertisers find reporting to be one of the biggest time sucks. But you need good reports to prove your worth to your boss or your clients! Here are 5+ top reporting tools that will help you show off your progress in less time.

Brad Smith
February 8, 2018 | Reporting & Analysis

Bing Ads Benchmarks for YOUR Industry

Curious how you're doing in Bing Ads? Find average click through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per click, and cost per action in Bing Ads campaigns across 18 popular industries.

3 Underrated Metrics That Will Improve Your PPC Performance

Learn how measuring revenue per session, bounce rate, and conversion rate by audience segment can make your PPC campaigns 10x more effective for your business.

6 Free Resources for Industry-Specific Marketing Benchmarks

One of the hardest parts of marketing is reporting and proving your success to higher-ups. These free sources of marketing benchmarks will help you measure your success against other businesses in your industry.

The Comprehensive Guide to Online Advertising Costs

How much do online ads cost? Learn everything you need to know about online advertising costs including average costs to advertise on Google and Facebook, plus how to lower your online ad costs.

Google Releases New & Improved Quality Score Reporting

Google announced some changes to AdWords' Quality Score reporting that will afford you more understanding of the elusive metric and allow you to act on historical insights with ease. Learn more!

Facebook Ad Benchmarks for YOUR Industry [Data]

Facebook ad performance can vary widely for different business types and industries. What numbers should you be looking to beat in Facebook advertising? We dug into the data to find out.

Mark Irvine
February 28, 2017 | Reporting & Analysis

7 Awesome Data Visualization Tools for Digital Marketers

Data visualization tools can help you turn data into something both powerful and beautiful. Here are the 7 best data viz tools for to transform your data marketing.

Dan Shewan
September 26, 2016 | Marketing Ideas