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Video Marketing

You’ve heard it for years: video marketing is the future. Well, the future is here, and our blog is here to teach you how to develop a video marketing strategy that drives impactful results. From video editing software, to video advertising, to the latest video marketing statistics, the WordStream blog is your home for all things video marketing.

3 Tricks to Create Video Ad Content on a Budget

Easy and affordable ways to create demo-style, commercial-style, and social media-friendly videos.

How to Advertise on YouTube in 10 Steps (+Pro Tips)

The all-in-one guide from a former Googler...tips, types, targeting, and more!

Why & How to Add Hashtags to YouTube Videos (+Pro Tips)

Youtube hashtag tips to follow, tools to try, and trip-ups to avoid.

4 Fine-Print Settings to Beware of in Google Ads Video Campaigns

These little nuances can lead to lots of wasted spend, but we've got you covered.

Joe Martinez
March 29, 2022 | Display Ads

The 12 Best Video Editing Software for Beginners in 2022

Don’t have the budget for a videographer? We've got 12 tools to make your life easier.

6 Data-Backed Ways to Promote Your Business on YouTube

In this post, learn the best ways to promote your business on YouTube, with a channel trailer, YouTube Shorts, influencer partnerships, paid ads, merch shelf, and branded shows.

12 Tips to Create a Compelling YouTube Channel Trailer (+Examples)

Use these eight tips to create a YouTube channel trailer that turns visitors into subscribers, with three tools to help you implement them and plenty of examples!

8 Simple YouTube SEO Tips to Rank Your Videos Higher in Search

Get familiar with YouTube SEO and learn eight YouTube SEO tips to start ranking higher in search results.We'll talk about keyword insertion, hashtags, closed captions, and more!

4 Incredibly Useful YouTube Studio Reports You Won’t Find in Google Ads

There are tons of YouTube Studio reports that provide more information than your Google Ads dashboard. We're sharing how to use four of them to find optimization opportunities you didn't know existed!

4 Easy Strategies for More Effective Holiday YouTube Ads

This post covers four powerful features available for YouTube video ads that can help you drive more purchases this holiday season, including YouTube shopping campaigns, YouTube sitelink extensions, YouTube call-to-action extensions, and YouTube lead form ads.

Joe Martinez
October 20, 2020 | Video Marketing

Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Video Hosting Platform

A high-quality video hosting platform is a must for B2B marketers looking to generate leads through video. This post covers the pros and cons of free video sharing sites, the benefits of paid video hosting platforms, and what you stand to gain by integrating one with your marketing automation platforms.

Guest Author
September 29, 2020 | Video Marketing

How to Create at-Home DIY Marketing Videos While Social Distancing

Quality marketing video content does not have to stop in the wake of the pandemic. This post provides everything you need to create successful at-home DIY videos, including equipment, tools, tips, and even types of video content to help your business grow.

Guest Author
September 11, 2020 | Video Marketing

How to Optimize Network & Placement Targeting for YouTube Ads

This post covers how to choose the right network and placement types for optimal Youtube ad targeting, so you can reach the right audiences on the right channels and avoid wasting any of your precious ad spend.

Our Go-To Social Media Video Marketing Cheat Sheet

When done right, social media video marketing can bring in great results. In this cheat sheet, we're giving our quick tips and sharing common best practices for social media video marketing on seven major platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more!

Akvile DeFazio
August 10, 2020 | Video Marketing

How to Use Personalized Video Marketing to Increase Your Engagement

Personalized video marketing can help you boost prospect and customer engagement. In this post, we outline what personalized video marketing is, how to use this strategy, and tips to make it successful!

Brad Smith
July 23, 2020 | Video Marketing

How to Get More Views on YouTube: 10 Tips to Try Today

We've got 10 tips to help you get more views on YouTube this year, which include content ideas, YouTube SEO tactics, timestamps and other value-adds, promotional strategy, title optimization, and more!

The Complete Guide to Getting Started With YouTube Live

YouTube Live allows you to connect with your audience in real-time, and that connection is more important than ever. Learn how to go live on YouTube, why it's worth it, and the best practices for YouTube Live success.

Conor Bond
April 27, 2020 | Video Marketing

Align Your Video Ads with Your Sales Funnel: Here’s How

Aligning your video ads with your sales funnel helps you market to the right leads and the right time. Here, we're sharing how, plus video ad ideas for each stage of the funnel to get you started!

32 Must-Know YouTube Statistics for 2022

Looking to tap into video to enhance your business growth? Use these general, demographic, and marketing YouTube statistics for motivation, plus key takeaways and advice!

Conor Bond
February 27, 2020 | Video Marketing

YouTube Display Ads 101: How to Target Placements & Boost Conversions

Display Network ads appear not just on websites but also on apps and videos, which means you need to be prepared. In this post, you'll learn everything you need to know to get started with YouTube display ads!

Joe Martinez
January 27, 2020 | Video Marketing

How to Drive More Traffic with YouTube Call-to-Action Extensions

YouTube call-to-action extensions can help you drive more traffic to your site and landing pages. In this guide, we show you why call-to-action extensions are important and how to set them up.

Joe Martinez
August 7, 2019 | Video Marketing

6 Tips for Writing Better Video Scripts

Writing high-quality video scripts is an essential skill for content marketers. Check out our six best tips to help you succeed with writing scripts for video marketing!

Conor Bond
July 12, 2019 | Video Marketing

6 Super Effective Ways to Up Your Video Email Marketing Game

We all know how effective and captivating video is in marketing, but what about video in email marketing? Here are six ways to improve your email with video content, including event promotions, personalized video messages, and more!

Top 7 Video Advertising Trends of 2019

With more than 80% of marketers using video content in their campaigns, your business can't afford to skip this medium. Here are the top seven video advertising trends that your team can try this year.

Guest Author
March 12, 2019 | Video Marketing

3 Tips for Optimizing YouTube Ad Placements

Targeting YouTube ad placements is different than choosing placements on the Display Network, but it doesn't have to be difficult. Here are three easy ways to select better placements for your video campaigns in Google Ads.

Joe Martinez
February 13, 2019 | Video Marketing

8 Essential Tips for Real Estate Video Marketing

In real estate, a strong, reputable, and attractive presence is everything. Video can help you there, Here are eight essential tips for using video marketing to sell more homes,

Margot Whitney
November 16, 2018 | Video Marketing

3 Tips for Better, Faster YouTube Keyword Research

To make sure your YouTube ads get in front of your audience, though, you need video SEO and keyword research on your side. Here, we explain how you can make your YouTube keyword research better, faster, and more effective.

Brad Smith
November 14, 2018 | Video Marketing